HSS Perform

World-Class Musculoskeletal
Solutions for Employers

HSS Perform is the leading solution for accessing the best prevention and treatment plan for every case, at every step of the way.

Our partners are on their way to
saving up to $8 per participant
per month.1

Contact us to discuss your
unique savings opportunity.

Contact us

The need for effective support is paramount

Musculoskeletal health isn't just about fixing broken bones and aching joints. It's about feeling good mentally and physically. And for employers, there's a financial and critical need to address how we treat Musculoskeletal-related issues.

50% of adults over 18 years of age experience musculoskeletal-related issues.2

Top 3 leading causes of high-cost claims include musculoskeletal issues.3

1 of every 4 musculoskeletal dollars spent is wasted on poor and ineffective treatment.4

Proven Results

Your solution with HSS Perform

HSS Perform ensures the best coordinated and complete continuum of musculoskeletal care for your workplace population and their families.

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Avoid Unnecessary Surgeries

HSS saves 24% of patients who come to us for a second opinion from unnecessary surgery.5

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Increased Productivity

Employees gain an average of 3 days back in productivity due to fewer doctors' visits, PT appointments, and shorter length of hospital stays.6

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Cost Efficiency

On average, HSS is $4k less expensive for a 30-day musculoskeletal episode of care.7

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Proven Results

92% of HSS patients report improvement within 12 months after their treatment.8

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Top Surgical Care

HSS is ranked #1 for lowest 90-day total cost of care in all of NYC for hip, knee and spine surgeries.9

Bringing 160 years of specialized care & clinical innovation to your organization

HSS is the world's leading health system focused on musculoskeletal health. By investing in world-class talent, data-driven innovations, and a specialized focus on musculoskeletal care, HSS has created the infrastructure to deliver the best prevention and treatment plan for every case. To learn more about HSS, visit HSS.edu.

US News best hospitals badge

US #1 in Orthopedics
15 years in a row

Newsweek world's best hospitals badge

World's #1 in Orthopedics
4 years in a row

We're not another tech company trying healthcare

HSS has always been at the cutting-edge of its field. Not only is our team of highly specialized surgical and non-surgical clinicians treating the top athletes and most complex orthopedic cases in the world, but we're also busy developing the next innovation in musculoskeletal care. This clinically driven approach is the force behind the services, expertise and content offered through HSS Perform.

photo of physical therapist helping patient
Customized Care

HSS Perform Capabilities 

HSS Perform facilitates the best coordinated and most complete continuum of musculoskeletal care for workplace populations and their families. A one-stop shop designed to avoid unnecessary surgeries and increase productivity and cost efficiency.

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line graph of hss treatment options
photo of woman wearing glasses
HSS Perform

Why choose HSS Perform as your
partner in musculoskeletal health?

HSS Perform includes a dedicated team of employer specialists who will develop a musculoskeletal care approach that seamlessly fits within the needs of your organization and HR demands.

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No Cost to You

Most Perform products are offered at no additional charge or are benefits that can likely be covered through your health plan.

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Support, Your Way

Getting started with HSS Perform is simple and turn-key with our readily available assets.

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Culture of Collaboration

Your HSS team is comprised of specialists to serve both your HR team and your employees and their families.

Contact us!

Find out how your workforce can
move better, today.

Current Partner Support

For current partner support, email us at hssperform@hss.edu.

A member of the HSS Perform staff will reach out to you shortly.


  1. Based on McKinsey analysis using Truven Marketscan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database 2016 - Northeast Region
  2. The Hidden Impact of Musculoskeletal Disorders on Americans; Bone and Joint Initiative, 2018.
  3. Dieleman JL, Baral R, Birger M, et al. US spending on personal health care and public health, 1996-2013. JAMA. 2016;316(24):2627-2646. 
  4. Based on McKinsey analysis using Truven Marketscan Commercial Claims and Encounter Database 2016 - Northeast Region. Low-value spend is quantified by calculating opportunity from moving physicians in 75-100th percentile to 75th percentile and 50-75th percentile to 50th percentile
  5. HSS Internal Study, Jan – Dec 2019, All Payor, Operative & Non Operative Musculoskeletal
  6. Based on McKinsey analysis. Represents days gained from shorter LOS, less readmissions, doctors visits, PT appointments.
  7. CMS, CY2018 – CY2019
  8. HSS Internal Study, All Payor, Orthopedic Surgery, 2020
  9. Dexur, 2020 – 2021, Medicare only