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Clinical Research Division

Research Initiatives Division

Our researchers and staff continue to grow on the division’s history as a leader in the fields of anesthesia and pain management research. Notably, our research into regional anesthesia for total joint replacement surgeries has contributed to an overall increase in regional anesthesia use throughout HSS. In 2017, more than 80 percent of our joint replacement cases were done under regional anesthesia compared to only 20 percent nationwide. Learn more about our achievements, researcher stories, publications, and what's on the horizon in our Research Report: 2020.

You can also learn more about our department's participation in the 49th Annual Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Meeting (ASRA 2024) program and the 6th World Congress on Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine.

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Citations in high-impact
research in 2023
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Active studies
managed in 2023
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published in 2023

The Pain Prevention Research Center (PPRC)

Founded in 2023, The Pain Prevention Research Center (PPRC) at HSS is unique in its focus and commitment to studying the prevention of pain and associated deleterious outcomes. There are limited effective and safe treatments for chronic pain. Most treatments are only modestly effective for a subset of people, and efforts to develop novel pain treatments have been largely unsuccessful. Given the prevalence of chronic pain, as well as its significant personal and societal cost and immense complexity, the most promising approach may be in its prevention.

Goals of the Center:

  • Identify and apply innovative approaches to prevent acute and chronic pain.
  • Identify, conduct, and disseminate high-quality research on the prevention of acute and chronic pain and its adverse consequences.
  • Expedite the development of effective and safe therapies for those who suffer from chronic pain

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