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Knee Surgery: Synovial Painful Plica Removal

A minimally invasive arthroscopic procedure to relieve pain and swelling in the knee

The synovium membrane is found in joints like your knee and shoulder. This thin membrane surrounds the inner lining of your joint and may have folds and fringes. Its main function is to create synovial fluid, which helps nourish and lubricate your joint.

When part of your synovium becomes inflamed, it can cause your entire joint to swell and become tender. Your plica is a fold within the synovium that is located near the kneecap. When your kneecap glides back and forth, it can pinch the plica, causing pain.

This minimally invasive procedure is performed by your surgeon using a small incision and the insertion of a scope and a specialized surgical instrument to remove the damaged synovial tissue and plica.

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