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Success Stories

Tackling Osteoporosis Together

As twins, Donna Polinger and Diana Wheeler-Fiveson shared tastes in clothes, career goals, and many good times together. At age 50, they discovered they also shared a diagnosis of osteoporosis. So jointly, with the guidance of HSS's Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Health Center, they began a regimen of diet and exercise to help stop osteoporosis in its tracks.

Equal Opportunity Therapy

Eight million women and two million men have osteoporosis in this country.  Among them are Ruth and Arthur Seidenstein, who both developed the bone disorder as a result of other medical conditions. Thanks to the Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Health Center, they are on a therapy regimen to build bone, providing them with the necessary freedom to focus on their family rather than on the fear of fracturing.

Remember, it's never too late. Osteoporosis does not have to be an inevitable part of aging. It is treatable and preventable. It is our mission at the Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Health Center to PREVENT THROUGH EDUCATION.