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Rx Arthritis Pills: Are They Safe?

The Saturday Evening Post—October 13, 2015

The Saturday Evening Post's Wendy Braun reports that the popularity of Celebrex and other long-lasting prescription NSAIDs varied over the past few decades. For example, these medications were linked to heart attack and stroke after being the "go-to" medication for rheumatologic conditions in the late 1990s through early 2000s. Today, Celebrex and Mobic, are regaining popularity, which is in large part due to several factors, like risk relativity as well as proper dosage and treatment.

Allan Gibofsky, MD, a rheumatologist at Hospital for Special Surgery, notes that the risk of certain NSAIDs is relative because, "We are now more attuned to NSAID risk and can better balance it with the risk of under-treating joint pain." (If you have any questions about the health benefits or risks of certain NSAIDs, contact your physician.)

To learn more about different NSAIDs used for rheumatologic conditions, read the article at www.saturdayeveningpost.com.


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