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How to keep your New Year's fitness resolution from failing

CNN.com—January 11, 2017

Jordan D. Metzl, MD, primary care sports medicine physician at HSS, writes a bylined article for CNN.com on how to stick with fitness resolutions in the new year. A recent study showed that fewer than half of all New Year's resolutions were successful six months out.

According to Dr. Metzl, there are things you can do to prevent this dropoff. Making fitness social is key. Social interaction has been shown to make people more likely to work out, said Dr. Metzl. It also helps to pre-pay for sessions.

He also recommends committing to a date-specific goal. It doesn't need to be a lofty goal, but once you set one (ideally one slightly outside your comfort zone) you are more likely to stick with a fitness program.

Read the full article at CNN.com.


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