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Giants’ Rashad Jennings surprises inspiring disabled teen with USA Football’s Heart of a Giant Award

New York Daily News—December 12, 2016

New York Daily News reports that Giants running back Rashad Jennings surprised Charlie Burt, 17, of Mahopac, NY, with the USA Football Heart of a Giant Award presented by Hospital for Special Surgery and the New York Giants.

Charlie was born without a left hand and plays center on his football team. "He made up his mind to not look for excuses..." said Jennings in a phone interview. "His talents are diverse, he's the captain of his team. That says a lot about who he is."

The full article and a photo of Charlie with Rashad Jennings and Samuel Taylor, MD, sports medicine surgeon at HSS and Associate Team Physician for the New York Giants originally appeared at NYDailyNews.com.


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