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'Tennis Elbow' Usually Heals Without Therapy, Study Finds

HealthDay—October 1, 2015

A recent study by researchers in Norway found that most people with tennis elbow recover without physical therapy and steroid injections. Overall, improvement with physical therapy plus placebo or steroid injection was about the same as with no treatment at all, the study found.

According to Joshua S. Dines, MD, sports medicine surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery, if persistent pain brings a patient in for consultation, the first thing a physician can do is give some structure with regards to returning to their activity.

For example, once they feel no pain with most activities, a patient could try tennis again for five minutes, take a break and do another five minutes, said Dr. Dines. “Then shut it down and take a day off, build up slowly, and as long as they can continue to improve without pain, then we consider it a successful treatment.”

Read the full story at HealthDay.com.


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