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Too Big to Care: How Massive Medical Groups are Harming and Killing Patients

Vice News—August 25, 2015

Vice News reports on the malpractice of Hudson Valley physician, Spyros Panos, MD, who has been subject to at least seven civil lawsuits for purposely faking, botching, and misrepresenting thousands of surgeries for more than a decade.

Hospital for Special Surgery's Surgeon-in-Chief and Medical Director, Todd J, Albert, MD, offers best practices that medical professionals and hospitals should follow in order to ensure the best possible health care and treatment is offered to patients. The first red flag should have been the number of patients Panos was seeing and operating on, Albert, who does not know Panos or anyone else involved with his case, notes.

"The busiest surgeons in the US might do 10 to 15 surgeries a day if they are smaller type surgeries," Albert said.

To read the full article, visit news.vice.com.


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