MRI Imaging of Orthopedic Instrumentation. Prospective Evaluation Utilizing Multi-Acquisition Variable-Resonance Image Combination (MAVRIC)

IRB Number: 28091

November 05, 2008

Institutional Review Board, Hospital for Special Surgery

The safety of our participants is our top priority. The trial/study is approved and periodically reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), which includes doctors, administrators, ethicists, and members of the general public. The safety of clinical trials is reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Before enrolling in a clinical trial or research study, the investigator will explain the purpose of the trial/study, its expected benefits, any possible risks or side effects, and what your role will be. If you want to join the trial/study, you must sign informed consent documents. You can leave a trial/study at any time without penalty.

For further information, see Understanding Clinical Trials/Research Studies.

Principal Investigator

Hollis G. Potter, MD


Li Foong Foo, MD
Matthew F. Koff, PhD


We plan to perform MRI scans of 50 subjects.  Enrollment period will start once the scanning protocol has been approved by the IRB and has been verified with quality control scans of a phantom.  The subject will be enrolled in the study for the duration of the scanning session.

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria: 
Referring physician request for diagnostic evaluation of joint arthroplasty or other orthopedic instrumentation in an adult patient.

 Exclusion Criteria:
 Patients with absolute contraindications to MRI, patients unable to give informed consent, children under the age of 18 years.

Contact Information

Matthew Koff, Ph.D.