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HealthConnection Fast Facts: Telehealth

The Doctor Is In—Your Home!

Telehealth is a way to connect with your healthcare provider online, from the comfort of your home or wherever you choose to be. Today’s telehealth technology lets you have a face-to-face conversation with your healthcare provider through a video connection that is secure and HIPAA compliant.

How Telehealth Can Help You

During a virtual visit, you and your doctor or other healthcare professional see and hear each other from your respective locations. You can describe your symptoms, share medical concerns, or receive follow-up care. Your provider can:

  • Listen to your symptoms and concerns to screen you for illness or injury.
  • See the part of the body that may be bothering you, such as a painful knee, and watch how you move to determine what may be causing your symptoms.
  • Order additional tests if needed, such as blood tests or imaging exams.
  • Monitor your health with devices you may have in your home, such as a blood pressure or blood glucose monitor.
  • Develop a treatment plan that may include a prescription for medication or physical therapy, a followup visit or a referral to a specialist.
  • Guide you through prescribed rehabilitative exercises.

Make the Best of Your Telehealth Visit

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing that enables your provider to see the area of concern clearly.
  • Identify a private, quiet location where you can move about freely.
  • Choose the best device for your virtual visit: a computer/laptop, smartphone, or tablet.
  • Ask your provider’s office before your visit about specific items you may need, such as sneakers or an exercise mat for physical therapy.
  • Test your device beforehand to ensure it has a working camera and microphone, and be sure to have a strong, secure Wi-Fi connection. Ask a friend or relative for help if you need tech support.
  • Start 15 minutes before your scheduled visit (up to 45 minutes before a first visit) so you have time to download any necessary applications and complete pre-visit forms.

HSS Virtual Care gives you the option to connect virtually with your HSS clinician from the privacy and comfort of home. To learn more about HSS Virtual Care, visit hss.edu/virtual.

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