Banner image of Dr. Jo Hannafin leading a discussion with several physicians.

Academic Training

HSS is proud to continue a tradition of postgraduate training programs, including our orthopaedic surgery residency program. For more than a century, HSS has trained the minds, hearts, and hands of some of the finest orthopaedic surgeons in the United States. A steadfast commitment to excellence in education dates back to our earliest traditions and continues to influence its present-day mission and vision.


The Academic Training program at Hospital for Special Surgery is dedicated to Lee Ramsay Straub, MD, (1913-1994) one of the most distinguished physician-educators in our history. Teacher, doctor, and researcher, Dr. Straub embodied the three principal strengths on which the Hospital’s leadership in orthopaedic and rheumatologic care stand.

Dr. Straub trained as a resident in orthopaedic surgery at HSS and began practicing at the Hospital in 1944. He was the first chief of the Hand Service, which he established in 1953. Dr. Straub also was cofounder and co-chief with Richard Freyberg, MD, (1904-1999) of the Comprehensive Arthritis Program, launched in 1967. Under Dr. Straub’s direction, both programs became models for similar services across the US.

Dr. Straub trained hundreds of residents and fellows in the mechanics of surgery and the art of practicing medicine, and introduced them to the world of investigational research. In memory of Dr. Straub, HSS established the annual Lee Ramsay Straub Distinguished Lectureship in Hand Surgery in 1994.

Please visit our GME Verification page to learn more about how to obtain your verification.

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