HSS strives to maintain the highest standards and understand the importance of communicating and enabling positive accountability for everyone who contributes to our culture and performance. Vendors are integral to our operations and we aim to conduct business with Vendors who share our Mission, Values and Purpose, and comply with our policies and expectations. This website provides up-to-date announcements, site access guidelines, purchasing guidelines, vendor-related policies and other resources to support our Vendors.
HSS is committed to promoting the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct and integrity at every level of our enterprise.
We recognize that everyone – trustees, employees, medical staff, volunteers and others who comprise or have a relationship with HSS - must cooperate willingly and participate actively in order to have an effective compliance program. It is our expectation that everyone will act in accordance with our HSS Code of Conduct and HSS Vendor Code of Conduct and conform to their standards and supporting guidance, policies and procedures.
Please feel free to contact the HSS Vendor Management Team at 646.714.6826 or VendorManagement@hss.edu, the HSS Office of Corporate Compliance at 212.774.2070, the Confidential Compliance Helpline at 1.888.651.6234, or visit hss.ethicspoint.com. A caller is not required to disclose their identity when reporting into the Compliance Helpline or reporting concerns through hss.ethicspoint.com.
To support HSS’s commitment to securing our facilities and protecting our patients, staff, visitors and Vendors, HSS is requiring all Vendors accessing HSS facilities and/or HSS networks and applications to register with HSS’s Vendor Management System, Green Security. Green Security provides enhanced credentialing and comprehensive background checks for all HSS Vendors.
Effective April 24, 2023, all Vendors are required to register with Green Security and maintain the required credentials, training and education for compliant business practices with HSS, and authorized access to our network and facilities. Vendors are responsible for all costs associated with Green Security registration and credentialing.
When visiting any HSS facility, Vendors are expected to check-in through Green Security and prominently display their Green Security ID badge while onsite, at all times. Please consult the “Vendor Access – Site Specific Access Protocols” section for site-specific access and check-in information.
For Green Security registration or technical support questions, please contact Green Security at 866-750-3373 or support@greensecurityllc.com.
HSS Vendor badge requests (new or reactivations) must be approved by the Office of Vendor Management. Vendors requesting an HSS Vendor badge must also be registered and credentialed with Green Security, and in receipt of a Green Security ID badge.
When onsite at HSS, all Vendors are required to adhere to all HSS Vendor-related policies, check-in protocols and the Vendor Code of Conduct.
To request a new or reactivation of an HSS Vendor badge, e-mail the following information to: VendorManagement@hss.edu
Vendor Information:
Cell Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
HSS facilities you plan to access:
Frequency of visits to HSS per week:
Specialty (e.g. Spine, Sports Medicine, etc.):
Specific doors you are requesting access to:
HSS Sponsor (HSS Director or above verifying the need for a Vendor to be issued an HSS ID and authorizing that ID holder to have access to specific identified areas in HSS facilities):
For access to HSS Main Campus, Belaire and Pavilion buildings: All Vendors must enter through the dedicated Vendor Entrance located on the E. 70th Street ramp during the following hours:
Vendors accessing the Main Campus and contiguous buildings (Belaire and Pavilion) outside of the Vendor Entrance’s operating hours must check-in with staff in the Main Hospital’s lobby.
Vendors can no longer enter the Main Campus and contiguous buildings via Main Lobby, Belaire, Pavilion, 72nd street or the NYP bridge. Any Vendors attempting to enter through these locations during the Vendor Entrance’s operating hours will be re-routed to the designated Vendor Entrance. Vendor compliance with these entry protocols will be monitored and enforced.
For site-specific physical access protocols, please reference the table below with information regarding Vendor entry locations and Green Security check-in instructions.
For Green Security Self Check-in Services: Please scan your Green Security ID badge at the designated kiosk in the corresponding site's Vendor entrance location, as indicated below.
For Green Security Mobile Check-in Services: Please check-in via your Mobile device (through your account on the Green Security mobile application or Green Security website) and present your daily pass to Security at the corresponding site's Vendor entrance location, as indicated below. For additional check-in instructions through your mobile device, please download the Green Security mobile application (iOS and Android) and follow check-in instructions provided.
Location |
Vendor Entrance & Check-in location |
Check-In Mode |
Main Campus Building |
Vendor Only Entrance on E. 70th Street Ramp |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
Belaire |
Vendor Only Entrance on E. 70th Street Ramp |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
Pavilion |
Vendor Only Entrance on E. 70th Street Ramp |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
75th Street Campus |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
Manhattan ASC |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Pre-approved appointment only. Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Ortho Injury Care |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Midtown |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
Westside ASC |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
Hudson Yards |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Follow Hudson Yards current building Security check-in procedures Additionally, Green Security Mobile Check-in; Present your mobile device pass to HSS Front Desk Registration Staff |
HSS ASC of Mahwah Mahwah, NJ 07430 |
Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Paramus |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Saddle River |
Ground Floor Entrance at Front Desk Registration |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Stamford |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Westchester |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Front Desk Registration |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Long Island |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Suite 101 or Suite 106 Front Desk Registration |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Brooklyn |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Follow Industry City's current building Security check-in procedures Additionally, Green Security Mobile Check-in; Present your mobile device pass to HSS Front Desk Registration Staff |
HSS Queens |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Front Desk Registration |
Green Security Mobile Check-in; Present your mobile device pass to Front Desk Registration Staff |
HSS Florida WPB |
Ground Floor Main Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
HSS Florida Wellington |
Ground Floor Entrance at Front Desk Registration |
Green Security Mobile Check-in; Present your mobile device pass to Front Desk Registration Staff |
HSS Pediatric Rehabilitation & Young Athlete Center |
Ground Floor Entrance at Security Podium |
Green Security Self-service Check-in kiosk |
If you have a question or concern, HSS offers the following resources to assist and support you:
For General Vendor Management Questions or Concerns:
For registration or technical support questions regarding HSS’s Vendor Management System, Green Security:
For Safety, Security, and Facility Questions or Concerns:
For Privacy and Information Security Questions or Concerns:
For suspected violations of our Code of Conduct, HSS policy, laws, or regulations relating to HSS:
For Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination Questions or Concerns:
Our Confidential Helpline is ALWAYS available to you. Our toll-free Confidential Helpline is administered by an independent company and is available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Calls to the Confidential Helpline are never recorded and cannot be traced. When you call the Confidential Helpline, a representative from the independent company will document the information you share and forward that information to HSS’ Office of Corporate Compliance. Corporate Compliance will ensure individuals with appropriate expertise effectively respond to your question or concern. After reporting your question or concern, you will receive a case number and that will be your reference if you want to call the Confidential Helpline to receive a status update or provide additional information.
HSS Supply Chain is utilizing Workday Strategic Sourcing (WSS) which enables us to collect information to build accurate Supplier profiles for all new Vendors. Via WSS, Suppliers must provide required documentation to become an approved HSS Supplier.
Building accurate Supplier profiles is necessary to conduct efficient business with your company including timely ordering and payment processing.
E-mail: apinvoices@hss.edu
Hospital for Special Surgery
Attention: Accounts Payable
535 East 70th Street
New York, NY 10021
Vendors who need to submit bill-only requisitions on a regular basis for loaner implants/instruments may request access to GHX by completing and submitting the Sales Representative GHX Access Request Form to an HSS Buyer or directly to OR Strategic Sourcing for review and approval.
To ensure the safety of our patients’ data we have issued the following guidance pertaining to information security requirements for vendors working with HSS. While not all-inclusive, we encourage review of this guidance to align with our policies and expectations.
The following classifications of vendors are arbitrary and not restrictive. If the below five classifications do not describe your vendor relationship with HSS, or if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Corporate Compliance (212.774.2398). Similarly, if a vendor cannot adhere to the below standards, Information Security can review the security standards on a case-by-case basis.
SaaS/Web-Portal | Vendor provides a cloud or web-based system
IoT/IoMT | Vendor provides a (medical) device that is internet-integrated
On-Premises | Vendor system or application is hosted on HSS network within HSS data center(s)
Network/ VPN Access | Vendor has a network drop on HSS network (IPSEC, VPN)
Vendor receives HSS data through digital transfer mechanisms (i.e., SFTP) or in-person physical transfers