The David B. Levine, MD, Archives and Special Collections

Adopt-a-Book Program

We invite you to help us preserve priceless HSS history. The David B. Levine, MD, Archives and Special Collections houses a unique selection of medical books dating from approximately 1800-1950. These books, which focus primarily on orthopaedics and rheumatology, are a rich resource of historical medical practice that provides much of the groundwork for medicine as we know it today.

Several noteworthy titles, published before 1900, document the rise of modern medicine with its rapid changes in science and new approaches by physicians. These early books are now difficult to locate in print form. Many of these books were authored by physicians at the Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, now known as Hospital for Special Surgery. Below please find a catalog of pre-1900 books that are in critical need of repair. Titles include a bibliographic description, book image, pictures of the repair needed, and the repair cost. While this program will initially restore the books in this catalog, the program will remain open to receive more donations for other archival materials in need of repair. A bookplate will be placed in the restored book in honor of the donation.

Please consider adopting a book to preserve this rich medical history for future generations.

Books for Adoption

Lectures on Orthopaedic Surgery Delivered at the Brooklyn Medical and Surgical Institute

Repair needed to binding, title page Bauer's book

Damaged headcap to Bauer's book

Bauer, Louis. Lectures on Orthopaedic Surgery Delivered at the Brooklyn Medical and Surgical Institute, 2nd Edition revised New York: William Wood & Company, 1868.
WE B344 1868

Preservation: Repairs needed to the headcaps and multiple torn pages.
Adopt for: $650
Adopt this book


The Mechanism of Dislocations and Fracture of the Hip with the Reduction of the Dislocations by the Flexion Method

title page to Bigelow's book

Repair needed to the torn pages of Bigelow's book

Bigelow, Henry J. The Mechanism of Dislocations and Fracture of the Hip with the Reduction of the Dislocations by the Flexion Method. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1869.
WE B592 1869

Bigelow described the structure and function of Y-ligament of the hip joint in great detail.

Preservation: Repairs needed to multiple torn pages—which will require taking the book apart and attaching a new cover to the spine.
Adopt for: $500
Adopted by Alexander S. McLawhorn, MD, MBA


Observations on Congenital Dislocations of the Hip

Torn title page for Brodhurst's book

Multiple pages that need to be reattached to Brodhurst's book

Brodhurst, Bernard E. Observations on Congenital Dislocations of the Hip, 3rd Edition. London: J & A. Churchill, 1896.
WE B864 1896

Preservation: Repairs to multiple torn pages and reattaching some pages, as well as the cover.
Adopt for: $850
Adopt this book


A Treatise on Dislocations, and on Fractures of the Joints

title page to Cooper's book

Repair needed to book's spine

Repair needed to reattach the book's front cover

Cooper, Astley, Sir. A Treatise on Dislocations, and on Fractures of the Joints. 4th Edition. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1824.
WE100 C667 1824

Sir Cooper was a British surgeon and anatomist who made historic contributions to otology and vascular surgery.

Preservation: A new leather spine needs to be attached to the book and all tape needs to be removed.
Adopt for: $850
Adopted by David B. Levine, MD


Pathological Observations of the Rotated or Contorted Spine

title page of Dods book

Repair needed to torn pages of Dods book

Dods, Andrew. Pathological Observations of the Rotated or Contorted Spine. London: Dadell, 1824.
WE D647 1824

This title was in the collection of Dr. Virgil Gibney.

Preservation: Repairs needed to multiple torn pages, the original cover needs rebinding, and a general cleaning.
Adopt for: $850
Adopt this book


On Rest and Pain. A Course of Lectures on the Influence of Mechanical and Physiological Rest in the Treatment of Accidents and Surgical Diseases and the Diagnostic Value of Pain.

title page of Hilton's book

Repair needed to book's headcap

Hilton, John. On Rest and Pain. A Course of Lectures on the Influence of Mechanical and Physiological Rest in the Treatment of Accidents and Surgical Diseases and the Diagnostic Value of Pain. 2nd Edition. New York: William Wood and Company, 1879.
WB300 H656 1879

These lectures were delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in the years 1860-1862.

Preservation: The top of the spine needs repair and a general cleaning.
Adopt for: $375
Adopted by the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care & Pain Management


Letters to a Young Physician

title page to Jackson book

Repair needed to book's spine

Close up of damaged headcap

Jackson, James. Letters to a Young Physician. Boston: Phillips, Sampson and Company, 1855.
WB J13 1855

Preservation: A new spine covering needs to be created and reattached to the original spine and repairs to multiple torn pages.
Adopt for: $600
Adopted by Jose A. Rodriguez, MD


John Hunter, Man of Science and Surgeon

front cover of Paget book

repair needed to torn pages

close up of damaged headcap

Paget, Stephen. John Hunter, Man of Science and Surgeon, 1728-1793. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1897.
WZ 100 H945 1897

Preservation: Repairs to the headcaps and a general cleaning.
Adopt for: $450
Adopt this book


The Surgical Diseases of Children and their Treatment by Modern Methods

Title page to Power's book

close up of book's cover damage to spine

additional view of damage to spine

Power, D’Arcy. The Surgical Diseases of Children and their Treatment by Modern Methods. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Company, 1895.
WD108 P887 1895

Preservation: The cover needs to be reattached and repairs are needed to multiple torn pages.
Adopt for: $650
Adopt this book


Bodily Deformities and their Treatment. A Handbook of Practical Orthopaedics.

repair needed to loose pages of Reeves' book

Reeves, Henry Albert. Bodily Deformities and their Treatment. A Handbook of Practical Orthopaedics. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, 1885.
WE R332 1885

Preservation: Repairs needed to multiple torn pages, including the title page and a general cleaning.
Adopt for: $150
Adopted by Dara Levine-Hillis & Brad Hillis


New York and its Institutions, 1609-1872

damage to inside cover of Richmond's book

repair needed to hinge of book

close up of title on book's spine

Richmond, John Francis. New York and its Institutions, 1609-1872. New York, E.B. Treat, 1872.
WZ 100 R17 1872

Preservation: General cleaning, repairs to multiple torn pages and to the binding.
Adopt for: $175
Adopted by Laura and Steve Robbins


A Practical Manual of the Treatment of Club-foot

title page of Sayre's book

repair needed to book's spine

Sayre, Lewis. A Practical Manual of the Treatment of Club-foot. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1869.
WE S275 1869

Lewis Albert Sayre was a leading American orthopaedic surgeon of the 19th century. He performed the first operation to cure the hip-joint ankyloses and introduced the method of suspending the patient followed by wrapping the body to correct spine deformities. Sayre was a principal founder of the Bellevue Hospital Medical College which opened in 1859 as well as the first professor of orthopaedic surgery in our country. He trained Virgil Gibney, second Surgeon-in-Chief.
This is the first edition of Dr. Sayre’s book on the treatment of club-foot. It was part of Dr. Patterson’s collection.

Preservation: Repairs needed to the spine and multiple torn pages.
Adopt for: $400
Adopt this book


Spinal Disease and Spinal Curvature. Their Treatment by Suspension and the Use of the Plaster of Paris Bandage.

title page of Sayre's book

repairs needed to photographic illustrations and torn pages

Sayre, Lewis. Spinal Disease and Spinal Curvature. Their Treatment by Suspension and the Use of the Plaster of Paris Bandage. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1877.
WE S275 1877

The HSS Archives has several of his books.

Preservation: Repairs needed to multiple torn pages—which will require taking the book apart, as well as making necessary repairs to all the photographic illustrations.
Adopt for: $1,000
Adopted by David B. Levine, MD


Pott’s Disease, Its Pathology and Mechanical Treatment

title page of Shaffer's book

repair needed to cover

torn page that needs to be reattached

Shaffer, Newton M. Pott’s Disease, Its Pathology and Mechanical Treatment. New York: G.T. Putnam’s Sons, 1879.
WE S525 1879

This title was given by the author to Dr. Virgil Gibney.

Preservation: Repairs needed to multiple torn pages, binding, and cover.
Adopt for: $750
Adopt this book


The Use of Traction in the Treatment of Clubfoot

Title page of Shaffer's book

repair needed to reattached the cover

Shaffer, Newton M. The Use of Traction in the Treatment of Clubfoot. Reprinted from the New York Medical Journal, March 5 and 12, 1887. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1887.
WE 883 S525 1887

This book was given to Dr. Virgil Gibney by the author.

Preservation: Reattaching loose pages and repairing multiple torn pages.
Adopt for: $750
Adopted by Thomas P. Sculco, MD


An Argument with the Censor at St. Luke’s Hospital

many detached pages and repairs needed to Thomas's book

Thomas, Hugh Owen. An Argument with the Censor at St. Luke’s Hospital, New York. London: H.K. Lewis, 1889.
WE T68 1889

Preservation: Treatment undecided, it will either need paper repair and a general cleaning or a clamshell box.
Adopt for: $500
Adopt this book


Contributions to Surgery and Medicine Fractures, Dislocations, Deformities and Diseases of the Lower Extremities

damaged title page to Thomas' book

torn page that needs repair

Thomas, Hugh Owen. Contributions to Surgery and Medicine Fractures, Dislocations, Deformities and Diseases of the Lower Extremities. London: H.K. Lewis, 1890.
WB T457 1881

Preservation: This book will need to be taken apart to replace binding and repairs are needed to torn title page.
Adopt for: $400
Adopted by Thomas P. Sculco, MD


Treatment of the Fracture of the Lower Jaw

damaged title page of Thomas' book

repairs needed to torn page

Thomas, Hugh O. Treatment of the Fracture of the Lower Jaw. London: H.K. Lewis, 1881.
WU 610 T466 1881

Preservation: Removing tape from the cover, rebinding of the original binding, and repairing torn cover.
Adopt for: $850
Adopt this book


The Spine: Its Curvatures and Other Diseases, Their Symptoms, Treatment, and Cure: Remarks on Paralysis

title page of Verral's book

repairs needed to book's spine

Verral, Charles. The Spine: Its Curvatures and Other Diseases, Their Symptoms, Treatment, and Cure: Remarks on Paralysis. London: John Churchill, 1851.
WE V553 1851

This book belonged to Dr. Robert L. Patterson.

Preservation: Replacing the book's spine.
Adopt for: $650
Adopt this book