Advice to improve your movement, fitness, and overall health from the world's #1 in orthopedics.
On the face of it, working remotely would seem to be beneficial for a person’s health—less time commuting means more time for exercise or with family. But now, several years into the remote-work shift, is that really turning out to be true?
In an op-ed published in the New York Times on Tuesday, March 14, HSS sports medicine physician Jordan D. Metzl, MD, calls out research showing that, in fact, remote work can be severely detrimental to workers’ overall health in both the short and long term.
Here, Dr. Metzl shares more about his work, what made him consider looking into the commuting-health connection, and important takeaways from current research.
With my patients, I increasingly started noticing people’s behavior patterns were changing. I began talking to my patients about working from home and their health behaviors. I had them open the health app in their phone and look at the differences between step counts during commuting days versus work-from-home days. And it was incredible to me how this concept I was thinking about—that working from home could be damaging to a person’s health—really showed up on their phone. All of a sudden, they went from taking thousands of steps a day on an office day to taking far fewer steps on a work-from-home day.
There definitely are some winners in this equation, people who have become more active, lost weight and felt better working from home. But there are many people who are doing worse, health-wise. These issues are going to be not only problematic now but also in the long term. So that inspired me to take an evidence-based look at the data.
More aches and pains for sure. Neck pain, back pain from sitting in less ergonomically favorable situations. And total body pain from not moving as much. What we do know is the stronger your muscles are, the less your body and joints hurt. With less activity, you lose muscle. And the weaker you are, the more everything hurts.
The medicine of movement is one of the most powerful preventive health drugs we have. It works for every single person who takes it, young or old, anywhere around the world. And it’s completely free.
In my sports medicine practice, I address people’s aches and pains. I also have had an athletic life where I go out and do marathons and triathlons. Over the course of my 20-plus years of practice, those worlds have become increasingly closer. Today, I frequently prescribe exercise to my patients to keep them healthy and moving.
So-called “NEAT” behaviors refer to activity that comes from being active during the day rather than exercising.
Full-blown exercise gets all the notoriety, but NEAT steps add up and they can have a profound effect on health. Daily activity, and sustained activity, can outweigh many negative health behaviors.
The more you’re moving, the healthier you will be over the short term, medium term and long term. Exercise and daily movement can even reduce your risk for conditions such as cardiovascular problems and certain cancers. It really is the most profound medicine we have.
I think the eye-opening point is that everybody thinks they’re winning if they can work remotely, but they may not be. If you’re remote working or working from home, you have to make sure you’re setting up daily activities that involve getting up, moving around and socially interacting.
There’s a lot of value to in-person work that people aren’t recognizing enough. Thus far, the discussion has focused on productivity or savings to a company, and the bigger picture is getting lost. I hope this helps stimulate broader discussions about why it’s advantageous to get people back in person.
Published 3/15/2023