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Center for Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury

Research and Publications

“Our mission is to be a source for outstanding initiatives in education, training, research and information for local, national and international communities to treat musculoskeletal conditions and enhance patient care.”

Surgeons performing an operation

Research is viewed as a critical component in fostering ideal patient outcomes. Surgeons and scientists at the HSS Center for Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury collaborate to develop a basic science research program as a means to better understand and modulate peripheral nerve regeneration. In the Motion Analysis Laboratory, we will refine novel means to measure functional recovery and measure three dimensional upper extremity motion.

Articles By Our Physicians

  • Brachial Plexus Injuries: New Advances in Treatment 
    Scott W. Wolfe, MD


Our clinical registries will incorporate a universal outcomes tool for the upper extremity that is in development at Hospital for Special Surgery. Investigational research on nerve imaging could potentially augment the diagnostic potential of clinicians. The synergy of a multispecialty team will establish an efficient mode for cultivating innovative ideas and concepts and bring them from bench to beside.

Published manuscripts

  • Wolfe SW, Strauss HL, Garg R, Feinberg J. Use of bioabsorbable nerve conduits as an adjunct to brachial plexus neurorrhaphy. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Oct;37(10):1980-5
  • Dy CJ, Kitay A, Garg R, Kang L, Feinberg JH, Wolfe SW. Neurotization to innervate the deltoid and biceps: 3 cases. J Hand Surg Am. 2013 Feb;38(2):237-40.
  • Swanson AN, Wolfe SW, Khazzam M, Feinberg J, Ehteshami J, Doty S. Comparison of neurotization versus nerve repair in an animal model of chronically denervated muscle. J Hand Surg Am. 2008 Sep;33(7):1093-9.
  • Dy CJ, Garg R, Lee SK, Tow P, Mancuso C, Wolfe SW. A Systematic review of outcomes reporting for brachial plexus reconstruction. J Hand Surg Am 2015 Feb;40(2):308-13.
  • Dy CJ, Lange DJ, Jones KJ, Garg R, DiCarlo EF, Wolfe SW. Diagnostic biopsy of the pronator teres and a motor branch of the median nerve: indications and technique. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Dec;37(12):2570-5
  • Schreiber JJ, Feinberg JH, Byun DJ, Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Preoperative donor nerve electromyography as a predictor of nerve transfer outcomes. J Hand Surg Am 2014;39(1):42-49 — Presented at AAOS 2014, ABJS 2014, ASPN 2014, Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2014
  • Wolfe SW, Johnsen PH, Lee SK, Feinberg JH. Long-Nerve Grafts and Nerve Transfers Demonstrate Comparable Outcomes for Axillary Nerve Injuries. J Hand Surg Am 2014. — Presented at AAOS 2013, ASPN 2013, ABJS 2013, Narakas 2013
  • Subclavius Posticus: an Anomalous Muscle in Association with Suprascapular Nerve Compression in an Athlete. Accepted,  Hand 2014 — Presented at Narakas 2013
  • Optimal Axon Counts for Brachial Plexus Nerve Transfers. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2015 Jan;135(1):135e-41e. — Presented at AAOS 2014, ASSH 2013, NYSSH 2014, ASPN 2014, Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2014

Manuscripts in Preparation

  • Axon Counts Yield Multiple Options for Triceps to Axillary Nerve Transfer — Presented at AAOS 2014, ASPN 2014
  • Patient-Centered Measures of Function and Expectations for Recovery after Treatment of Brachial Plexus Injuries
  • Psychological effects of brachial plexus injury — ASSH 2014 podium presentation
  • Effects of timing on brachial plexus surgery


  • Steve K. Lee, MD., Scott W. Wolfe, MD: Evaluation of wraps to improve nerve gliding: a rat model; Axogen, Inc.  2014-5
  • Scott W. Wolfe, MD, Steve K. Lee, MD, Chris Dy, MD: Richard Menschel Grant for HSS Center for Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury Research. 2013-4
  • Scott W. Wolfe, MD, Steve K. Lee, MD: HSS Center for Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury. Scott W. Wolfe, MD, 2012-13
  • Scott W. Wolfe, MD, Steve K. Lee, MD:  Grant for HSS Center for Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury Registry. Axogen, Inc.  2012-13
  • Scott W. Wolfe, MD, Steve K. Lee, MD: Grant for the Brachial Plexus and Traumatic Nerve Injury Registry, Integra Life Sciences, Inc.

Podium Presentations (abbreviated list)

  • Schreiber JJ, Feinberg JH, Byun DJ, Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Preoperative donor nerve electromyography as a predictor of nerve transfer outcomes. — Presented at AAOS 2014 New Orleans, ABJS 2014 New York, ASPN 2014 Kaua'i, Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2014 Paris
  • Wolfe SW, Johnsen PH, Lee SK, Feinberg JH. Long-Nerve Grafts and Nerve Transfers Demonstrate Comparable Outcomes for Axillary Nerve Injuries. — Presented at AAOS 2013 Chicago, ASPN 2013 Fort Meyers, ABJS 2013 Istanbul, Andre Narakas Meeting  2013 Montreaux Switzerland
  • Subclavius Posticus: an Anomalous Muscle in Association with Suprascapular Nerve Compression in an Athlete — Presented at Andre Narakas Meeting  2013 Montreaux Switzerland
  • Optimal Axon Counts for Brachial Plexus Nerve Transfers — Presented at AAOS 2014 New Orleans, ABJS 2014 New York, NYSSH 2014 New York, ASPN 2014 Kaua'i, ASSH 2013 San Francisco, Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand 2014 Paris
  • Wolfe, S.W. Brachial Plexus Reconstruction: chronic injury — Presented at ASPN 2014 Kaua'i
  • Wolfe, S.W. “The Anatomy of nerve transfers: Triceps to Axillary Nerve Transfer“ Video --- Presented at ASSH Specialty day, AAOS New Orleans
  • Bishop, A., Lee, S.K. , Wolfe, S.W.: Pre-course: Nerve Repair and Reconstruction: Basic Principles and Complex Problems. — Presented at ASSH 2013, San Francisco
    "Pathoanatomy and Pathophysiology of Nerve injury"
    "Autograft, Vascularized Autograft: How Far Can You Graft?"
  • Wolfe, S.W., Lee, S.K: Adult BPI: Advances, evidence and expectations — Presented at Weill Cornell Medical College Neurosurgery Grand Rounds 2013
  • Wolfe, S.W.: Outcomes of Adult Brachial Plexus Reconstruction: Can we speak the same language? Presented at ASPN: Invited Presidential Lecture: Naples, FL.
  • Urch, K., Model, Z., Lee, S.K.: Radial Tunnel Nerve Release Anatomical Study — Presented at NYSSH 2014 New York, ASSH 2014 Boston
  • Wolfe, S.W., Lee, S.K., Garg, R. Lack of consensus in reporting treatment outcomes of adult brachial plexus surgery — Presented at Sunderland meeting 2012 New York, Narakas 2010 Lisbon Portugal

Grant applications pending

  • Nerve bridging techniques, rat model (preparing protocol) — Axogen, Inc.
  • Multi-center nerve study group (initial centers: HSS, Wash Univ)
  • RECON (nerve graft) clinical trial — Axogen, Inc.