Charla de Lupus (Lupus Chat)®

Charla de Lupus (Lupus Chat)®

Charla de Lupus (Lupus Chat)® is a unique national program offering people with lupus and their families peer health support and education in both English and Spanish since 1994. This program specifically seeks to reach Latinos/Hispanics and African Americans with lupus and their families.

Our Mission:

To empower and enhance the quality of life for people with lupus and in most cases by people with lupus through peers providing culturally relevant education and support – with an emphasis on Spanish-speaking communities.

Our Goals:

  • Increase understanding and knowledge about lupus for people with lupus, their families, and the community
  • Promote health directed behaviors
  • Support effective coping strategies
  • Enhance access to services for clients and peer volunteers

Video: Learn about the Charla de Lupus Program

Ask an Expert: Charla de Lupus (Lupus Chat)®

Learn more about our program from Priscilla Calvache, LCSW, Assistant Director, Lupus Programs and Community Engagement. Also available in spanish (en español).

COVID-19 Vaccine and Lupus

As a part of our ongoing educational programming, below is a live webinar presented by Dr. Lisa Imundo and Hana Conlon, NP who address concerns for teens, young adults living with lupus and their loved ones. There is captioning in English and also in Spanish (en español).

Chita Shares a Secret

Living with lupus can be confusing and challenging, especially for a young child. That’s why HSS volunteer Judy Campbell wrote the book, Chita Shares A Secret, to give children diagnosed with lupus the courage to cope and live with this condition, as well as to help them rely on the support of the care team, family and friends.

  • Marielin's Story

    Marielin's story

    I was diagnosed with lupus when I was 19 years old. It was 1997, my second semester of my freshman year of college. Unlike most people who go undiagnosed for years, I was diagnosed right away. "You have a mild case of lupus," the doctor said. "Lupus is a chronic illness. There is no cure for lupus." One of my first thoughts was, "Am I going to die?"

  • Arlety's Story

    Arlety's story

    I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis at the age of 19 on August 2009. Before my diagnosis, I was young, vibrant and always full of energy. One morning I came into work and one of my eyes was swollen. This was one of the first symptoms that emerged from lupus.

  • Marina's Story

    Marina's story

    After being in and out of the hospital for a month, my diagnosis was made: I had systemic lupus combined with a very rare blood disorder called Evan’s syndrome. The reality of going from healthy to sick didn’t hit me; I wasn’t feeling any emotion. I went from 17 years without taking a pill to now being required to take several pills a day.

  • Marielin's Story

    Marielin's story

    I was diagnosed with lupus when I was 19 years old. It was 1997, my second semester of my freshman year of college. Unlike most people who go undiagnosed for years, I was diagnosed right away. "You have a mild case of lupus," the doctor said. "Lupus is a chronic illness. There is no cure for lupus." One of my first thoughts was, "Am I going to die?"

  • Arlety's Story

    Arlety's story

    I was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis at the age of 19 on August 2009. Before my diagnosis, I was young, vibrant and always full of energy. One morning I came into work and one of my eyes was swollen. This was one of the first symptoms that emerged from lupus.

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LupusMinder® Mobile App for People With Lupus

Photo of mobile phone with Lupus Minder app.

Now available for free download, the LupusMinder app was developed by HSS to track medications, daily symptoms and appointments. Visit

Program Brochure



