HSS Care Link is a secure, web-based application for connecting community affiliates to patient information at HSS Epic EMR. It gives you access to your patients' medical records on the Epic electronic medical record system in real-time, 24/7. Access includes:
We invite you to enroll in HSS Care Link. Follow the steps below to begin the process.
To access the HSS Care Link Portal, users will need a PC or Mac computer with a high-speed or DSL internet connection (dial-up not recommended).
You must use one of the following Internet browsers to access HSS Care Link :
HSS Care Link requires a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 pixels. We recommend that you use a high-speed Internet connection to achieve the best system speed and performance.
HSS Care Link is a secure, web-based application that provides real-time web portal access to patient information on the Epic system. The tool provides read-only access to your patients’ health record. This includes hospitalizations, referrals and other real-time clinical data for physicians and staff without full Epic access.
Physicians and their staff, Payors, Skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, hospice, long-term care facilities and home health agencies.
HSS Care Link provides registered users with secure access to their patients’ electronic health record information and test results from Hospital for Special Surgery.
HSS is providing HSS Care Link at no cost to those who refer their patients to HSS for care. HSS Care Link is a web-based service that requires no installation on your servers or computers.
HSS Care Link uses industry-standard encryption technology, ensuring access is only available to those authorized to view patient data.
To help secure user accounts, HSS Care Link requires 2-factor authentication. This extra layer of security helps ensure that the only person who can log in to your account is you.
You’ll need access to a web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Safari and a high-speed internet connection on a computer or a mobile device.
Training is not required to use HSS Care Link. There are targeted education materials in the Quick Links section of the HSS Care Link home page.
No, HSS Care Link does not address specific Meaningful User criteria, but it is a valuable tool for physician office practices and chart reviewers.
If you have access to HSS Care Link as a part of your job, it is so you can perform your duties in support of caring for patients. When you agree to the terms and conditions of using HSS Care Link, you agree to keep this information private and not allow anyone else to use this information.
You are responsible for any activity that occurs using your username and password. Even if you are called away from your computer and someone else is active with this information, you are responsible. If others in your clinic or department need HSS Care Link access, they can request their own account by contacting their HSS Care Link Site Administrator.
HSS requires every site using HSS Care Link to assign a Site Administrator. This Site Administrator will have abilities to reset passwords and more. For any access issues, please contact your Site Administrator.
If your Site Administrator cannot assist or resolve the issue, your site administrator should contact us at 212.606.1080.
Not seeing what you're looking for? Please call the Help Desk at 212.606.1080
After logging into HSS Care Link, you and your team, can access online training materials via the Quick Links section of the HSS Care Link Dashboard.
For any enrollment questions or technical issues contact HSS Care Link Help desk at 212.606.1080.