RA Programs

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Inflammatory Arthritis Support and Education Programs, Latinx Community

This support and education program is designed specifically for people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) from the Latinx community and their families.  All program materials and events are created with the input of Latinx IA patients. We value feedback from the community and work with community partners in the Latinx community. All program offerings are available in English and Spanish. 

If you are interested in learning more, contact Nabila Baytore, Social Work Coordinator for Latinx Outreach in the Inflammatory Arthritis Support and Education Programs: baytoren@hss.edu, 646.714.6233.

walking mom and daughter

Latinx IA Videos and Resources

Physical Activity and Inflammatory Arthritis: Brief Video Series

IA Video

Hear from Zack Rogers, PT, DPT, an HSS Orthopedic Clinical Specialist in a three-part video series created by the Inflammatory Arthritis Support and Education Program at HSS in collaboration with @CreakyJoints Español focused on physical activity and IA. All Spanish audio interpretation was provided by the HSS Language Services Department.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Inflammatory Arthritis: Discussion with a Rheumatologist

Covid Webinar

Presented on May 17, 2021, Iris Navarro-Millán, MD, rheumatologist at HSS and Assistant Professor at Weill Cornell Medical College, shared information on the COVID-19 vaccine and inflammatory arthritis. The event was presented by the Department of Social Work Programs, the Inflammatory Arthritis Support and Education Programs, and CreakyJoints Español. Information presented in this webinar was reflective of what was known at the time.

Get Involved: 

If you are interested in finding out more about our program and ways to be involved,  please email us at IASupportEd@hss.edu 

In Our Participants' Own Words:

“The doctor was excellent; she was responsive to the questions and connected with the audience.”  

“ The doctor was very thorough and clear on answering questions both in English and Spanish. Also, very informative.

“Beautifully facilitated, every answer translated to both languages. Doctor answering questions quickly helped push information through”