The HSS Innovation Institute focuses on advancing cutting-edge care to enable new patient centric solutions. Harnessing the vast network of HSS’s clinical expertise and resources, we develop, cultivate, and deliver innovative technologies that redefine musculoskeletal healthcare.


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Care Delivery

Next Generation Digital Care & Data Technologies

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Medical Devices

Device & Instrumentation Development

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Life Sciences

Drugs, Biologics, & Research Innovations

Mission Driven, Multi-Dimensional Approach

The HSS Innovation Institute collaborates with inventors internally and externally to enable, develop, and commercialize advanced technologies that will prevent and treat musculoskeletal conditions and transform patient care. Ensuring alignment with the fundamental values of HSS, we focus on a variety of strategic business opportunities, including but not limited to:

  • Technology Development
  • Licensing Execution
  • Product Co-Development
  • Strategic Collaborations
  • Joint Ventures
  • Spin-Offs

Value of HSS Knowledge

Leveraging the HSS network of world-leading clinical, research, and relationships to accelerate development, we offer unparalleled resources and support throughout the entire innovation process. The close integration between the HSS Innovation Institute and our integrated core specialties is invaluable to design excellence.

  • Bone Health & Implant Integration
  • Inflammation & Arthritis
  • Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
  • Joint Preservation & Regeneration
  • Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Sports Performance & Rehabilitation
  • Data Science, Analytics Modeling, & Performance

Areas of Expertise

The multidisciplinary team at the HSS Innovation Institute provides rigorous support throughout the entire innovation process. We encompass the experience and expertise to progress forward innovative technologies through the development and commercial phases.


Identifying, sourcing, and evaluating cutting edge technologies for feasibility and marketability


Applying principles of engineering & clinical research to support product development and validation


Engaging and managing commercial collaborations to advance technologies into the market


Highlights in Innovation

Dr. Michael Ast - Innovation Institute

Video: Innovating to the Most Challenging Orthopedic Cases
Chief Medical Innovation Officer Michael Ast, MD, shares highlights from the HSS Innovation Institute portfolio


In the News