Advice to improve your movement, fitness, and overall health
from the world's #1 in orthopedics.
Optimize your movement, performance and recovery – no matter your level of physical fitness.
Do you have plantar fasciitis? Try these 5 stretches to treat the pain at home.
Anil Nandkumar
Physical Therapist
How can a gait analysis help you be a better runner? Learn more from HSS running coach Kate Baird.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Whether you’re a runner or just sore from sitting too much, a foam roller can release the tension.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Strength training is crucial to help runners run better and avoid injury and extra stress on the joints.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
What is VO2 max and how does it affect your running? Learn more about how to increase VO2 max.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Learn more about nonsurgical options for treating osteoarthritis in the knee.
Brian Chalmers
Orthopedic Surgeon
Edwin Su
Orthopedic Surgeon
Explore the common causes of shin splints and stress fractures, typical signs and symptoms, and when to see a doctor.
Ashley Austin
Sports Medicine Physician
Jaclyn McKenna
Sports Medicine Physician
Learn about different types of knee pain after running, including runner’s knee, and how to treat it.
Michelle Kew, MD
Sports Medicine Surgeon
Can you run after hip replacement? Learn more below.
Edwin Su
Orthopedic Surgeon
Isometric exercises can help you be more mobile and recover after injury or surgery.
Daniel Supple
Physical Therapist
Pickleball can be a great sport for people after a joint replacement, but some precautions are in order.
Ioonna Felix
Sports Safety Educator
Your running form can help you avoid injury and run faster and more efficiently.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Improve your physical and mental health with these workout tools.
HSS Rehab and Sports Performance
Try these six simple exercises to make your back stronger and more flexible.
Brian Goonan
Physical Therapist
Using lighter weights with higher repetitions might be a more efficient way to build muscle.
Jordan Metzl
Sports Medicine Physician
Your core includes your abdominal muscles, plus more in your back and pelvis.
Anna Ribaudo
Physical Therapist
There are several techniques athletes can use to protect their lower back.
James Wyss
Flexibility and strength are both key in maintaining a healthy core.
Timothy Coyle
Exercise Physiologist
Adding elliptical training to your workout routine can offer many benefits, no matter your fitness level.
HSS Rehabilitation
It’s an often overlooked area, but keeping your ankles flexible and healthy is key to staying active.
Kimberly Baptiste-Mbadiwe
Physical Therapist
Your hip health can impact how you sit, stand, walk, and move overall.
HSS Rehabilitation
Cycling issues are generally brought on by overuse and improper form and alignment.
Letty Krueger
Physical Therapist
The type of bike you choose, how it fits your body and the way you ride are all important.
Joel Press
By strengthening the whole core, including the back, this fitness method can relieve tension in the area.
Valarie Samulski
Certified Pilates Instructor
Heart rate variability shows you how well your body is recovered, if you’re overtraining, and if you need to improve how you handle stress.
Vincent Luppino
Physical Therapist
Focusing on form and varying speed and incline will give you the biggest benefits for your efforts.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
A strong anterior chain is crucial for running, changing direction while running, and staying healthy during everyday activities.
Mathew Welch
Exercise Physiologist
These tips can help you move through pregnancy, delivery and recovery more smoothly.
Valarie Samulski
Pilates Instructor
Regular participation in dance is good for body and mind.
Kathleen Davenport
This thick strip of tissue can become inflamed and cause pain in the leg.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Whether it’s a sprint or an Ironman, triathlons require a unique approach to training.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Having a strong posterior chain can help you with everything from daily tasks to lowering your risk for arthritis and bone loss.
Mathew Welch
Physical Therapist
From stronger bones to fewer injuries, strength training can add major benefits to your fitness routine and overall health.
Ellen Casey
Anna Ribaudo
Physical Therapist
Pickleball is less demanding than other racquet sports, but it can still be tough on the knees.
James Robinson
Sports Medicine Physician
Your body’s ability to slow itself down is crucial for avoiding injury in sports like soccer and football.
Theresa Chiaia
Physical Therapist
Overuse injuries to the upper extremities are common in people new to this fast-growing sport.
Joshua Dines
Orthopedic Surgeon
Running is a one-legged sport, which means good balance is crucial to avoid injury and perform at your best.
Michelle Shafiro
Physical Therapist
Shoulder impingement is a common cause of shoulder pain. If you’re experiencing it, try these three exercises.
Nicholas Hershfield
Physical Therapist
This specially designed workout counteracts all the sitting and slumping that can leave you hunched over.
Brian Goonan
Physical Therapist
Metabolic testing evaluates how athletes use oxygen during exercise. Learn more about incorporating it into your training.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
After your run, make sure to prioritize refueling, hydrating and movement along with rest.
Pam Geisel, Exercise Physiologist - Kate Baird, Exercise Physiologist
One key to dealing with knee pain is to strengthen the muscles that support the joint.
HSS Rehabilitation
Though knee pain is quite common, it’s generally not a reason to stop exercising. Learn more about the best types of exercise for sore knees.
Kimberly Baptiste-Mbadiwe
Physical Therapist
If you’re dealing with back pain, it’s possible to continue running safely with a few tweaks to your workout.
Ashleigh McAdam, Physical Therapist
Andrew Paul Creighton, Physiatrist
Pickleball injuries are on the rise. Learn more about how to prepare for the game to stay injury free.
Kristina Marie Quirolgico
Sports Medicine Physician
Squats are a functional movement in everyday life. Learn how to do them properly to avoid soreness or injury.
HSS Rehabilitation
When done properly, deadlifts can actually help prevent back pain.
HSS Rehabilitation
If you have osteoarthritis (OA), cycling is a great choice because it’s a low-impact activity with a big payoff.
Nicholas Sgrignoli
Sports Medicine Physician
Feeling tired after exercise? These tips will help you power through and rebound quickly.
Matthew Accetta
Exercise Physiologist
Are your hip flexors tight? Chances are the answer is yes. HSS physical therapist Kimberly Baptiste-Mbadiwe shares why the area can get so tense and how to loosen it up.
Kimberly Baptise-Mbadiwe
Physical Therapist
In this virtual physical education class from HSS Sports Safety, learn about how to correct your body's alignment through exercise.
Jimmy Russomano
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Proper form when doing a squat is essential to avoid injury and get the full benefit of the exercise.
Pamela Geisel and Ashley Fluger
Exercise Physiologists
Are you doing push-ups properly? Learn what to look for and how to check your form.
Pamela Geisel and Ashley Fluger
Exercise Physiologists
If running a long-distance race is a future goal, the time to start planning is well in advance.
Kate Baird
Exercise Physiologist
Have you ever heard of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and wondered what it is? It sounds complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.
Kelyssa Hall
Exercise Physiologist
Does stretching prevent sports injuries? Can stretching make you taller? Take our quiz to test your knowledge.
Patrick Vignona
Physical Therapist
Planks are essential exercises to strengthen the core. Learn how to know if you're doing them properly.
Pamela Geisel and Ashley Fluger
Exercise Physiologists
Join Astrid DiVincent and Vincent Luppino, physical therapists at HSS, to learn how to stretch and be guided through a full body stretch.
Astrid DiVincent and Vincent Luppino
Physical Therapists
Try these simple stretches to open up your hips, and you’ll be golf ready when it’s time to get back on the course.
Jamie Osmak
Exercise Physiologist
Don’t let colder temps chill your exercise routine. Try these tips from HSS exercise physiologist Chelsea Long to transition from outdoor to indoor workouts.
HSS Rehabilitation
Strength training, weightbearing exercise and other techniques can make your bones stronger. Learn which moves to work into your routine, ways to improve your posture and more.
Marci Goolsby
Sports Medicine Physician
Exercise physiologist and certified running coach Pamela Geisel shares how to start off on the right foot to avoid injury and enjoy the journey.
Pamela Geisel
Exercise Physiologist
Follow along as Master Pilates Instructor Katherine Shapiro leads you through five minutes of low-impact Pilates leg exercises.
Katherine Shapiro
Master Pilates Instructor
Follow along as Master Pilates Instructor Katherine Shapiro leads you through five minutes of low-impact Pilates core exercises.
Katherine Shapiro
Master Pilates Instructor
Follow along as Master Pilates Instructor Katherine Shapiro leads you through five minutes of low-impact Pilates arm exercises.
Katherine Shapiro
Master Pilates Instructor
HSS exercise physiologist Pamela Geisel shares more on what to do immediately after your run and in the days and weeks following to help your body recover from running 26.2 miles.
Pamela Geisel
Exercise Physiologist
Overtraining syndrome occurs when an athlete doesn’t adequately recover after repetitive intense training, and can include fatigue, declining performance and potential injury.
Marci Goolsby
Sports Medicine Physician
HSS orthopedic surgeons Moira McCarthy and Karen Sutton explain how the female anatomy impacts knee injuries—and what you can do to lessen your risk.
Moira McCarthy
Sports Medicine Surgeon
Karen Sutton
Sports Medicine Surgeon
You’ll need a space plus some basic equipment. Max Castrogaleas, an exercise physiologist at HSS, shares tips for getting started.
Max Castrogaleas
Exercise Physiologist
Chronic pain can make it difficult to enjoy everyday activities. Join HSS clinical nutritionist Danna Raphael to learn how nutrition may help to reduce symptoms.
Danna Raphael
Registered Dietitian
Osteoarthritis (OA) can cause joint pain and stiffness. Join HSS Physical Therapists to learn how you can move better to feel better!
Dana Aaron and Katherine Wilson
Physical Therapists
With a few small tweaks, many forms of exercise are safe and healthy for expectant moms. Read more on guidelines for exercise during pregnancy.
Polly deMille
Exercise Physiologist
If you exercise regularly, it’s important to make sure you’re taking in enough energy to fully benefit from your efforts.
Heidi Skolnik
Certified Dietitian Nutritionist
Summer temps present new challenges for sticking to your workout – and keeping yourself healthy. Read on for tips on hot-weather exercise.
Jordan Metzl
Sports Medicine Physician
It all comes down to time under tension. HSS exercise physiologist Pam Geisel teaches you how to up the ante on bodyweight exercises.
Pamela Geisel
Exercise Physiologist
These fast, explosive movements can benefit athletes in many types of sports, including tennis and golf.
Matthew Accetta
Exercise Physiologist
Golfing involves a lot of strenuous motion that can put serious stress on the lower back. HSS exercise physiologist Jamie Osmak offers advice and stretches to help you avoid it.
Jamie Osmak
Exercise Physiologist
Tackling your first marathon can be intimidating, but a little planning will help.
Kathryn D. McElheny
Sports Medicine Physician
Learn about recommended exercises for people with inflammatory arthritis.
Zack Rogers
Physical Therapist
Helpful exercise and activity tips for people with inflammatory arthritis who are experiencing a flare, pain, or fatigue.
Zack Rogers
Physical Therapist
Helpful tips for exercising at home or outside for people with inflammatory arthritis conditions.
Zack Rogers
Physical Therapist
Dehydration can be a serious issue for runners. HSS sports nutritionist Heidi Skolnik explains the signs of dehydration and shares tips for working fluids into daily and workout routines.
Heidi Skolnik
Certified Dietitian Nutritionist
HSS physical therapist Cara Ann Senicola shares how yoga can help runners improve their performance and offers a quick yoga-based warmup for runners of all levels.
Cara Ann Senicola
Certified Yoga Instructor
Why should you cool down after a run? HSS physical therapist Cara Ann Senicola shares some basics, plus a quick yoga-based cool-down routine that targets the body, breath and mind.
Cara Ann Senicola
Certified Yoga Instructor
Looking to improve your flexibility and mobility? Learn the fundamentals of stretching, including dynamic, static and ballistic stretching.
Kathleen Davenport
Jorge Giral
Physical Therapist
HSS orthopedic surgeon Sabrina Strickland shows you a complete at-home strength-training routine using bands or the weight of your own body.
Sabrina M. Strickland
Orthopedic Surgeon
A simple series of band exercises can help keep your hips, knees and feet in optimal alignment when squatting. HSS performance coordinator Jamie Osmak demonstrates.
Jamie Osmak
Exercise Physiologist
HSS doctors and researchers Harry “Tate” Greditzer and Peter Fabricant share tips for getting started with this demanding but thrilling sport.
Harry Greditzer
Peter Fabricant
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Interested in trying your hand at climbing? HSS orthopedic surgeon Joshua Dines has a guide to getting started.
Joshua Dines
Orthopedic Surgeon
Is it possible to return to your pre-pregnancy form after giving birth? Marci Goolsby, a primary sports medicine physician in the Women’s Sports Medicine Center at HSS, has guidance for new moms.
Marci Goolsby
Sports Medicine Physician
Learn about exercise as you age, including what's normal during the aging process and how you can build an exercise program that works for you.
Kayla Hazel
Physical Therapist
With the green light from your surgeon and some adaptations for your new joint, yoga can have great benefits for people recovering from a joint replacement.
Christine Mironenko
Nurse Practitioner
Committed to getting fit, but don’t know where to begin? Exercise physiologist Pamela Geisel offers some suggestions.
Pam Geisel
Exercise Physiologist
Whether you’re new to working out or looking to reach a new goal, get tips from an HSS surgeon and sports medicine expert on sticking to your program.
Scott Rodeo
Orthopedic Surgeon
If you enjoy overhead activities like tennis, racquetball, baseball or softball, yoga can be a very beneficial adjunct to your fitness routine.
Cara Ann Senicola
Certified Yoga Instructor
Learn more about exercise basics with this foundational workout program from HSS strength and conditioning specialist Jimmy Russomano.
Jimmy Russomano
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Stretching is a crucial part of any exercise routine. Learn more about techniques to use to improve your performance and lower your risk of injury.
Leigh-Ann Bramble
Physical Therapist
For a time-efficient and fun home workout session, try our circuit training routine which incorporates all the fitness components.
Max Castrogaleas
Exercise Physiologist
Learn how to set a successful exercise goal with these suggestions from HSS exercise physiologist Ashley Fluger.
Ashley Fluger
Exercise Physiologist
Learn tips, technique and more from an HSS exercise physiologist.
HSS Rehabilitation
Into indoor cycling? Here’s a step-by-step guide to proper bike setup for newbies and experienced riders alike.
HSS Rehabilitation
Resistance training is a key part in maintaining your overall health. HSS provides you with ways in which to use your equipment and body to train.
Ashley Fluger
Exercise Physiologist
Pamela Geisel
Exercise Physiologist
Chelsea Long, MS, CSCS, an exercise physiologist at HSS, suggests some regular everyday items that you can use to add variety and intensity to your at-home workout.
HSS Rehabilitation
Ashley Fluger, CSCS, CPT, an exercise physiologist at HSS, provides four resistance band exercises for strengthening the whole body.
Ashley Fluger
Exercise Physiologist
Chelsea Long, MS, CSCS, an exercise physiologist at HSS, suggests three short routines that can help you squeeze in a quick workout before getting back to your day.
HSS Rehabilitation
Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation of the joints. Follow these tips that will help bring you closer to reaching your exercise goals.
HSS Rehabilitation
If encouraging your kids to exercise more in the colder months is a constant challenge, try these ideas from HSS strength and conditioning specialist Jimmy Russomano.
Jimmy Russomano
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Winter is the perfect time to shake up your usual fitness routine. HSS exercise physiologist Aaron Karp offers ways to complement your favorite summer activity in the off season.
HSS Rehabilitation