Bono Treated With Metal Plates, ‘Intensive Therapy’ After Bike Injury

Rolling Stone—November 19, 2014

Three days after U2 revealed that lead singer Bono injured his arm in a "cycling spill" requiring surgery, the grim details of the singer's accident and prognosis have been disclosed to Rolling Stone.

While riding his bike through New York's Central Park on Sunday, the singer attempted to avoid another rider and was involved in what doctors have called a "high energy bicycle accident."

According to orthopedic trauma surgeon Dean Lorich, MD, "[Bono] was taken emergently to the operating room...where the elbow was washed out and debrided, a nerve trapped in the break was moved and the bone was repaired with three metal plates and 18 screws." On Monday, Bono underwent a second surgery to repair a fractured left pinky finger.

While it's still unclear how long the singer will be recuperating, Lorich tells Rolling Stone that Bono will "require intensive and progressive therapy," but "a full recovery is expected."

Read full story: Rolling Stone.


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