Mark Teixeira's injured right wrist will need surgery after all

ESPN New York—June 26, 2013

According to a release from the Yankees: "After a recent MRI with dye contrast was performed on Mark Teixeira's right wrist, New York Yankees Team Physician, Dr. Christopher Ahmad, along with Dr. Melvin Rosenwasser and two other New York-based hand specialists (Dr. Michelle Carlson from Hospital for Special Surgery and Dr. Keith Raskin from NYU) confirmed that the sheath has not adequately healed. Surgery has been recommended to repair the tear on the tendon sheath of his wrist."

No word on how long Tex will be out, but -- as the Yankees approach the midway point to 2013 -- it is safe to assume the surgery will be season-ending.

Teixeira originally injured the wrist March 5 while hitting off a tee in preparation to play for Team USA in the World Baseball Classic.

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