HSS Surgeon Shares Tips for Troublesome Wrists

Darien Daily Voice—March 22, 2016

In a recent article published by Darien Daily Voice, Scott W. Wolfe, MD, a hand and upper extremity surgeon at Hospital for Special Surgery, shares appropriate steps that patients can take following a wrist fracture in order to regain functional use of the hand, wrist and upper extremity.

According to Dr. Wolfe, "Patients should never keep their hand down by their side for a prolonged period of time; rather [they] should keep it above heart level and let gravity do the work. A pillow to support in the lap when seated or when sleeping will ensure circulation reaches the recovering area." Dr. Wolfe also explains the benefit and importance of undergoing physical therapy while recovering from a wrist fracture.

To read the full article, visit Darien.DailyVoice.com.


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