Orthopaedic Trauma Fellowship

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

William M. Ricci, MD, Chief, Orthopaedic Trauma Service, Fellowship Director

Duration: 1 year (August 1–July 31)
Stipend: $110,500.00 per annum/benefits (subsidized housing also available)
Positions: 2 ACGME-Accredited
Location: Hospital for Special Surgery, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Westchester Medical Center, Jacobi Medical Center
Contact: Arbesa Liko-Keqi at likokeqia@hss.edu or call 212.774.2335

Orthopaedic Trauma Fellows gain clinical care experience working directly with Trauma service attendings in all areas of orthopaedic trauma through a combination of service and mentorship structures. Fellows work side-by-side with attendings in office hours and in the operating room. On average, approximately 500 cases should be done annually per fellow. Our goal is to support and foster the growth and development of future leaders in the field of orthopaedic trauma surgery. A core group of teaching faculty, thought leaders in the field, are dedicated to the fellows on the service. Emphasis is placed on assuring fellows gain expertise in all areas of orthopaedic trauma (acute high-energy multi-trauma, complex peri-articular fractures and common low-energy injuries, and post-traumatic reconstruction including non- and malunions), through rotations at four institutions, each providing a unique experience. An emphasis is placed on teaching principle-based approaches to the management of acute and post-traumatic conditions, advanced surgical skills including state-of-the-art indirect reduction and fixation techniques, and postoperative care and rehabilitation. Unique opportunities exist for fellows to gain experience with arthroplasty (hip, knee, shoulder, and elbow) for management of acute trauma as well as post-traumatic problems.

Curriculum and Expectations

Overview: To expose fellows to the full breadth of surgical cases and opportunities, each fellow will rotate back-and-fourth every six-weeks between two primary Rotations (a total of 8 rotations per fellow, per year):

  • The HSS Rotation
  • The Westchester Medical Center (WMC) rotation

During each of these two rotations, each fellow will spend one day every-other week at Jacobi Medical Center. While on the HSS rotation, fellows will work primarily at HSS with opportunities to do select cases at NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP).

The HSS Rotation: Each six-week HSS rotation will be divided into three-week “mini-mentorship” blocks, one each with Dr’s William Ricci and David Helfet. During the “mini-mentorship” blocks, fellows will work closely with the mentor daily in clinic and the OR. Fellows will also have opportunities to work with Dr’s Daniel Dziadosz and Sean Campbell, and the Limb Lengthening Service. During this rotation, fellows are exposed to management of orthopaedic trauma with a particular focus on peri-articular fractures, nonunions and mal-unions.

The WMC Rotation: For the duration of WMC rotations, fellows do “fellow-level” cases in the OR four days per week with Dr’s David Asprinio, Adam Shaner, and David Wellman, spending one day per week in clinic. Westchester Medical Center, located about 30 minutes north of HSS, is the primary Level-1 trauma center for the entire Hudson Valley region of New York, complete with helicopter service. Here, fellows see high volumes of highway blunt trauma. The focus of this rotation is acute polytrauma management, pelvic and acetabular fractures, and complex long bone and peri-articular fractures.

The Jacobi experience: Each fellow goes to Jacobi Medical Center one day every-other week to work with Dr Milan Sen. Jacobi Medical Center is an Adult Level 1 trauma center in the Bronx and generally provides care to an underserved population. The focus of this rotation is acute polytrauma management, pelvic and acetabular fractures, and complex long bone and peri-articular fractures.

Teaching: All facilities are teaching hospitals with ample opportunity for the fellow to teach residents and medical students. Fellows will be expected to integrate into the program in a leadership role.

Research: Fellows are encouraged to complete one or two de novo research projects and participate in one or two ongoing projects annually, with the help of dedicated research staff. Particular interests can be easily accommodated, as HSS has a state-of-the-art anatomy lab, biomechanics department, and other research facilities.

Application Process

HSS will participate in the San Francisco Matching Program (SF Match). Register for the SF Match and apply to our program.

Application Deadline: November 1, 2021

Interview Dates: February 13, 2023 and February 17, 2023 (in-person)

Learn about the application process.


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