HSS Osseointegration Limb Replacement Center

Regain Your Mobility and Independence

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After amputation, Emily had a very short residual femur which made wearing a prosthetic using a socket very difficult. Osseointegration was her best option.

As the No. 1 hospital for orthopedics and first hospital in the United States to use osseointegration for transtibial amputations, HSS is at the forefront of limb replacement surgery. Our fully integrated, specialized Osseointegration Limb Replacement Center offers personalized solutions and the most cutting-edge techniques for those who have had or need lower or upper limb amputation. 

HSS osseointegration surgeons are singularly focused on using their years of expertise to help amputees fully regain their ability to perform daily tasks, live life and be independent. Our mission is to be leaders in outstanding clinical care, patient and professional education, innovation, and research.

Elena is a purple heart veteran injured during the line of duty. She lived with chronic pain in her leg and foot until she was offered a different choice.

We view amputation as a reconstructive surgery designed to improve mobility and quality of life, not limit it. Osseointegration surgery involves a direct implant into the bone that will then connect to the prosthetic. This direct connection to the prosthetic improves mobility for amputees in many ways: no socket or socket issues, improved control of your limb, improved endurance and time using your prosthetic limb, and improved sensation and awareness of your limb.

Osseointegration can be performed in the lower body, for above knee or below knee amputations or in the upper body using patient-controlled robotic prosthetics. Most often, the procedure is a single surgery that will include the insertion of the implant, creation of the aperture or transcutaneous tunnel, and if needed, targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) and soft tissue contouring surgery at once. We will convert your socket to an osseo-prosthetic or if needed, have a new prosthetic made in-house or by your local prosthetist.

Osseointegration Videos and Articles

Osseointegration Animations

Detailed, step-by-step animated videos on how the osseointegration limb replacement surgery is performed and what to expect as a result. 

Real Patient Case Videos

Our doctors present slides showing various osseointegration patients with different amputations, issues and anatomies.

Video: Osseointegration Post-Operative Patient Visit (Mark Relei, The Marathon Man)

Professional Presentations

Live Surgery Videos

These videos are real osseointegration surgeries and contain graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Please use your discretion.

Interviews with our HSS Osseointegration Surgeons

HSS Minute: What is Osseointegration?

HSS Minute: Osseointegration Prosthetics for Leg Amputees Study

Research Articles

Transcutaneous osseointegration for amputees with short residual bone: Is there increased risk for complications? – A pilot study. J Limb Lengthen Reconstr [serial online] 2022 [cited 2023 Jan 19];8:115-20. Hoellwarth JS, Geffner AD, Reif TJ, Rozbruch S R.

Periprosthetic Femur Fractures in Osseointegration Amputees: A Report of 2 Cases Using a Modified Traction TechniqueJBJS Case Connector: July-September 2022 - Volume 12 - Issue 3 - e21.00778 doi: 10.2106/JBJS.CC.21.00778. Jason S. Hoellwarth and S. Robert Rozbruch.

Unexpected positive intraoperative cultures (UPIC) at index osseointegration do not lead to increased postoperative infectious eventsJ. Bone Joint Infect., 7, 155–162, 2022 https://doi.org/10.5194/jbji-7-155-2022. Jason S. Hoellwarth, Taylor J. Reif, Michael W. Henry, Andy O. Miller, Austin C. Kaidi, and S. Robert Rozbruch.

Osseointegration Amputation Reconstruction. Curr Phys Med Rehabil Rep (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40141-022-00344-9.  Reif, T.J., Jacobs, D., Fragomen, A.T. et al.

JBJS: Revision Amputation with Press-Fit Osseointegration for Transfemoral Amputees

Attachment of a Myoelectric Prosthesis After Transulnar Osseointegration Implantation. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY. October-December 2021 – Volume 11 – Issue 4 – e21.00381. Kayla M. Jaime, MS, Taylor J. Reif, MD, Haris Kafedzic, MPO, CPO, Glenn Garrison, LPO, CPO, Jennifer Dhawan, MSOP, MScRS, and S. Robert Rozbruch, MD.

Osseointegration for Amputees, Current Implants, Techniques and Future Directions. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY. March 2020 – Volume 8 – Issue 3 – e.0043. Jason Shih Hoellwarth, MD, Kevin Tetsworth, MD, FRACS, S. Robert Rozbruch, MD, M. Brianne Handal, MS, Adam Coughlan, MBBS, Munjed Al Muderis, MBChB.

Soft Tissue Contouring at the Time of Osseointegrated Implant Reconstruction for Lower Extremity Amputation. Annals of Plastic Surgery. Volume 85, Supplement 1, July 2020. Andrew A. Marano, MD, Omeed Modiri, BS, S Robert Rozbruch, MD, and David M. Otterburn, MD.

Early Experience with Femoral and Tibia Bone-Anchored Osseointegration Prostheses. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY. Open Access – e21.00072. Taylor J. Reif, MD, Nathan Khabyeh-Hasbani, BS, Kayla M. Jaime, MS, Gerard A. Sheridan, MCh, FRCS, David M. Otterburn, MD, FACS, and S. Robert Rozbruch, MD, FAAOS.

Percutaneous Osseointegration Prosthesis. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022 265. H. Özger et al. (eds.), Orthopedic Surgical Oncology For Bone Tumors, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73327-8_26. Taylor J. Reif, Austin T. Fragomen, and S. Robert Rozbruch.

“Osseointegration Improves Outcomes for Amputees,” HSS Annual Report, 2021


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