Photo of Dr. Press speaking at a conference

Synovitis Pathology

Russell Bodies / Germinal Centers


Spherical (usually) globules of glassy pink-to-red material within plasma cells or free in the interstitial tissue


A well-defined collection of large lymphoid cells (germinal center cells), within a localized aggregate of small lymphoid cells that are associated with a small blood vessel that can be seen to have tall endothelial cells

Magnification: Scan at 5x and confirm at 20x

Grading (Russell Bodies):

  • 0: None (80%)
  • 1: Present (20%)

Grading (Germinal Centers):

  • 0: None (97%)
  • 1: Present (3%)

Grade (RB) 1

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Grade (RB) 1

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Grade (GC) 1

Zoom Image

Grade (GC) 1

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