Anil S. Ranawat, MD
Sports Medicine and Hip Preservation Surgeon

Dr. Anil Ranawat is an orthopedic surgeon at HSS focusing on sports injuries of the hip, knee and shoulder. He is constantly pushing state-of-the-art advancements in joint restoration including both non-operative and operative managements of these conditions. His focus has been on biological restoration of the hip and knee joint and clinical and research interests have focused on joint preservation of the hip and knee.
A leading educator on hip arthroscopy, Dr. Ranawat also performs open techniques for hip conditions such as femoral-acetabular impingement, dysplasia, labral tears and avascular necrosis. He also has a keen interest in the knee where he performs complex ligament reconstructions, knee osteotomies, advanced knee arthroscopy as well as robotic partial knee replacement. He has extensively researched these subjects and has written numerous peer reviewed publications, chapters and has authored 3 books.
Dr. Ranawat began his academic study at Duke University, where he attained numerous academic honors. Later, he would begin his medical training at Weill Medical College of Cornell University and would continue his training at Hospital for Special Surgery. Throughout his career, some of the accolades that Dr. Ranawat has received include the T. Campbell Thompson Award for Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery, the Jean C. McDaniel Resident Teaching Award at Hospital for Special Surgery, the Maurice Müller European Traveling Hip Fellowship and the AAOS Washington Health Policy Fellowship. He serves on numerous orthopedic boards including the American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine (AOSSM) and Eastern Orthopedic Association (EOA). At HSS, Dr. Ranawat is the Chief of the Hip and Knee Division of the Sports Medicine Institute. He also serves as the Physician Assistant (PA) Medical Director at HSS for the largest Orthopedic PA program in the world. Lastly, he is an Assistant Orthopedist for the New York Rangers.
ACL and ligament surgery
Avascular necrosis
Femoral-acetabular impingement
Joint preservation of the hip and knee
Labral tears
Young adult hip disease
Hip Arthroscopy
Knee Arthroscopy
Shoulder Arthroscopy
ACL and Meniscal Surgery
Impingement Surgery
Partial and Total Joint Surgery
Fracture Surgery
Friendliness/courtesy of the care provider
4.7(162)Skill of physician
4.9(164)If your insurance is not listed, please call our office if you have questions regarding your insurance coverage. If you have out-of-network benefits, then your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of your office visit. We will work with you and your insurance to minimize your out-of-pocket costs. Financial assistance may be available for patients in need.
Chief, Hip and Knee Division of Sports Medicine Institute, Hospital for Special Surgery
Attending Orthopedic Surgeon, Hospital for Special Surgery
Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College
Attending Orthopedic Surgeon, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
Medical Director, Physician’s Assistant Department, Hospital for Special Surgery
Assistant Team Physician, New York Mets
Assistant Team Orthopedist, New York Rangers
American Medical Association
American Orthopaedic Association
Arthroscopic Association of North America
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Orthopedic Society of the State of New York
American Orthopedic Society of Sports Medicine
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery – Board Eligible
Board Certified, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2010
Castle Connolly Top Doctor, 5 Years
Castle Connolly Top Doctors in New York Metro Area, 2016-2022
Castle Connolly Regional Top Doctor, 2016-2020
New York Magazine Top Doctors, 2016, 2018, 2020-2022
Richard S. LASKIN Young Attending Teaching Award, 2012
Maurice Müller European Traveling Hip Fellowship, 2007-2008
AAOS Washington Health Policy Fellowship, 2006-2007
Jean C. McDaniel Resident Teaching Award at Hospital for Special Surgery, 2006
T. Campbell Thompson Award for Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery, Cornell University, 2001
MD, Weill Cornell Medical College, 2001
New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, 2002
Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, 2006
University of Pittsburgh Sports Medicine Fellowship, Pittsburgh, PA, 2007
Maurice Müeller Traveling Hip Fellowship, Zurich, Switzerland, 2008
Dr. Ranawat performs surgery at the following locations:
My office is located at The Pavilion, 541 East 71st Street. The main entrance to The Pavilion is on the north side of 71st Street underneath the sky bridge that connects the main hospital to the Belaire Building.
Sekiya JK, Safran M, Ranawat AS, and Leunig M. Techniques in Hip Arthroscopy and Joint Preservation Surgery (book in press - Elsevier)
Sculco TP, Lim M, Ranawat AS, Pearle A. The Hospital for Special Surgery Guide to Orthopedic Surgery (book and Palm publications in press - Lippincott)
For all publications, please see the PubMed listing.
Ranawat AS and Harner CD. ACL Reconstruction: Medial Portal Technique. Anterior Cruciate Surgery. Fu and Cohen. Slack Publishing 2008.
Honkamp N, Ranawat AS and Harner CD. PCL Reconstruction. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Principle and Practice. Delee, Drez and Miller. Saunders Publishing (in press).
Ranawat AS, McClincey M and Bradley JP. Pediatric Elbow Fractures. Orthopaedic Sports Medicine: Principle and Practice. Delee, Drez and Miller. Saunders Publishing (in press).
Ranawat AS and Sekiya JK. Arthroscopic Techniques of Capsular Plication and Thermal Capsulorrhaphy. Hip Arthroscopy and Joint-Preservation Surgery. Safran, Sekiya, Ranawat and Leunig. Elsevier Publishing (in press).
Ranawat AS and Leunig M. Surgical Hip Dislocation for Femoroacetabular Impingement. Hip Arthroscopy and Joint-Preservation Surgery. Safran, Sekiya, Ranawat and Leunig. Elsevier Publishing (in press).
Ranawat AS, Harner CD, Niederle M, Roth AE, Ster PJ, Hurwitz SR, Levine WN, DeRosa GP, and Hu SS. Current State of Fellowship Hiring: Is a Universal Match Necessary? Is it Possible? (AOA 2007 AAOS 2008).
Ranawat AS, Vidal AF, Chen CT, Turner AS, Zelekn JL and Williams RJ. The Effect Storage Time on the Success of Cold-Stored Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in an Ovine Model (Combined ORS 2007 and AOSSM Specialty Day AAOS 2008).
Ranawat AS, Sussman PS, Kelly BT, Sheehan M, Lorich DG, and Padgett DE: The Risk of Vascular Injury with Arthroscopic Osteoplasty of the Femoral Neck: A Cadaveric Study (AANA 2006).
Ranawat AS, Williams RJ, Potter HG, Carter T, and Warren RF. A Prospective Analysis of Knee Cartilage Defects Treated with Fresh Stored Osteochondral Allografts. Hospital for Special Surgery Alumni Day 2005, New York, NY and International Cartilage Repair Society 2006, San Diego, CA.
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Below are the healthcare industry relationships reported by Dr. Ranawat as of August 19, 2024.
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