Mark Weller, MD
Anesthesia for spine surgery
Regional anesthesia
If your insurance is not listed, please call our office if you have questions regarding your insurance coverage. If you have out-of-network benefits, then your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of your office visit. We will work with you and your insurance to minimize your out-of-pocket costs. Financial assistance may be available for patients in need.
Attending Anesthesiologist, Hospital for Special Surgery
Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Weill Cornell Medical College
Medical: Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, 1995
Internship: University of Florida, Gainesville, 1999
Residency: University of Florida, Gainesville
Columbia University, New York, 2002
Fellowship: Critical Care at Columbia University, New York, 2003
English, Spanish, German, French, Polish
A general review of the environmental impact of health care, hospitals, operating rooms, and anesthetic care, Mark Weller, International Anesthesiology Clinics, 2020 Fall; 59 (4): 64 – 69; PMID: 32925236
Neuroanesthesia Guidelines for Optimizing Transcranial Motor Evoked Potential Neuromonitoring During Deformity and Complex Spinal Surgery A Delphi Consensus Study Walker CT, Kim HJ, Park P, Lenke LG, Weller MA, Smith JS, Nemergut EC, Sciubba DM, Wang MY, Shaffrey C, Deviren V, Mummaneni PV, Chang JM, Mummaneni VP, Than KD, Berjano P, Eastlack RK, Mundis GM Jr, Kanter AS, Okonkwo DO, Shin JH, Lewis JM, Koski T, Hoh DJ, Glassman SD, Vinci SB, Daniels AH, Clavijo CF, Turner JD, McLawhorn M, Uribe JS.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020 Jul 1;45(13):911-920.PMID: 32539292
Addresssing a national crisis: The Spine Hospital and department's response to the Covid-19 pandemic in New York City, JM Lombardi, T Bottiglieri, N Desai, KD Riew, V Boddapati, M Weller, C Bourgeois, S McChrystal, RA Lehman, Spine J. 2020 Sep; 20 (9): 1367 – 1378, PMID: 32492529
Cognitive Aids for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroanesthetic Emergencies: Consensus Guidelines on Behalf of the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Critical Care (SNACC) Education Committee. Hoefnagel AL, Rajan S, Martin A, Mahendra V, Knutson AK, Uejima JL, Kositratna G, Weller M, Yang H, Ahuja S, Bailey C, Bebawy JF.J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2019 Jan;31(1):7-17.PMID: 30334936
Safety of a High-Dose Tranexamic Acid Protocol in Complex Adult Spinal Deformity: Analysis of 100 Consecutive Cases Lin JD, Lenke LG, Shillingford JN, Laratta JL, Tan LA, Fischer CR, Weller MA, Lehman RA Jr.Spine Deform. 2018 MarApr;6(2):189-194. PMID: 29413743
Book Chapter ICP Monitoring/ Acute ICP Increase The Anesthesia Guide, Atchabahian & Gupta, McGraw Hill
Poster Presentation at American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting "Craniotomy for Tumor: Head versus Heart? Brad Hamik M.D.; Mark Weller M.D. Columbia University/ New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY
Abstract Presentation:"Irreversible Anaphylaxis in Living Donor Renal Transplant", Wiliam P Qiao MD, Mark Weller MD, International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), Montreal, Canada
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As of May 31, 2023, Dr. Weller reported no relationships with the healthcare industry.
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