photo of Max Chao, BS

Max Chao, BS



At the Genomics Center

  • Primary analysis of RNAseq data
  • Development of multiomics platform for data analysis, visualization and mining
  • Development and maintenance of HSS genomics data distribution platform.

Research interests

Next generation sequencing produces large amounts of data that require extensive computational processing to generate actionable information that can be contextualized by the end users - scientists, clinicians, policy makers, or the general public. The gap that exists between computational analysis and data delivery is the main obstacle for effective data utilization, data sharing, and turnaround between bioinformaticians and the end users. This gap has slowed the adoption of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in mainstream research and diagnostics. Building upon the data reporting and mining  analytical platform that we developed at HSS to deliver and visualize RNA-seq data I extend its current capabilities to other next generation sequencing methods (CHIP-seq, ATAC-seq, and scRNA-seq). The goal of this project is to create and maintain a scalable, web-based data delivery platform for NGS data storage, management, and visualization.




Post-Bac Researcher, Hospital for Special Surgery



Publications by

Industry Relationships

Industry Relationships

One of the goals of HSS is to advance the science of orthopedic surgery, rheumatology, and related disciplines for the benefit of patients. Research staff at HSS may collaborate with outside companies for education, research and medical advances. HSS supports this collaboration in order to foster medical breakthroughs; however, HSS also believes that these collaborations must be disclosed.

As part of the disclosure process, this website lists Research staff collaborations with outside companies if the Research staff member received any payment during the prior year or expects to receive any payment in the next year. The disclosures are based on information provided by the Research staff and other sources and are updated regularly. Current ownership interests and leadership positions are also listed. Further information may be available on individual company websites.

As of July 07, 2023, Dr. Chao reported no relationships with healthcare industry.

By disclosing the collaborations of HSS Research staff with industry on this website, HSS and its Research staff make this information available to patients and the public, thus creating a transparent environment for those who are interested in this information. Further, the HSS Conflicts of Interest Policy does not permit payment of royalties on products developed by him/her that are used on patients at HSS.