
Division of Rheumatology


4.9out of 5
Based on 10,122 Patient Ratings
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Rheumatology is the specialty of internal medicine that cares for people with rheumatic and inflammatory diseases that affect the joints and connective tissues. Systemic autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma, vasculitis and myositis alter the lives of more than 40 million people in the United States.

The physicians in the Division of Rheumatology at HSS are acknowledged as among the best doctors in the world for diagnosing and treating these disorders, and they advance medical knowledge and discovery of new therapies through their research studies and education programs. HSS scientists, rheumatologists and other clinicians work together to identify new targets for therapy and apply their insights to achieve the best outcomes for patients.

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Patient Care

HSS embraces a philosophy of integrative care as a world leader in the research and treatment of rheumatic disease.

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Patient Education

The joint is a complex organ of the body that functions at its best when all of its parts are working well and in unison.

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Our institution is at the cutting edge of research and is second to none in its ability to deliver the highest quality of care to patients who are afflicted with joint and autoimmune disorders.


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