Focus Areas

Center for Advancement of Value in Musculoskeletal Care

Icon image of a calculator  and stethescope on top of a billing statement.

Value Measurement and Communication

  • Produce original research and external benchmarking to support HSS value proposition
  • Build visual value dashboards for clinical operational areas
  • Develop KPIs for evaluating value
Icon image of Dr. Linda Russell reviewing image scans.

Value-based Care Delivery

  • Measure and report patient-reported and other health outcomes (PROMs) as a routine part of care delivery
  • Build programs to standardize optimal high value care
  • Develop capabilities to manage musculoskeletal disease effectively and efficiently across broad care episodes and for populations
Icon image of a doctor using a smartphone.

Value Tool Development

  • Design and build patient-centric technologies leveraging HSS knowledge and processes
  • Work with future external partners to build and grow innovations supporting value-based care
  • Design and develop new care delivery technologies for use in the broader healthcare market
Icon image of Dr. Lionel Ivashkiv in a research laboratory.

Value Research

  • Develop predictive models for health improvement, risks, utilization of services and costs of care
  • Inform the development and adoption of quality measures for musculoskeletal disease that are meaningful, accurate and fair
  • Evaluate the validity of various current national and state quality/value programs

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