LANtern® (Lupus Asian Network)

Events and Programs

Shortly after LANtern was launched in 2003, a special celebration was held in collaboration with Hospital for Special Surgery’s sister lupus programs, LupusLine and Charla de Lupus, to unite program participants in a "Lupus across Cultures" banquet.

LANtern is proud to host events throughout the year to foster a sense of community among our clients, volunteers, and supporters. The following occur every year:

LANtern’s Lunar New Year Luncheon (Feb/March) – Since 2008, this annual gathering in Chinatown brings together program members and their guests to meet each other, celebrate the holiday, and share stories. Each year, discussions are led by health providers and draw upon a specific theme focusing on self-efficacy and coping strategies. This is LANtern’s most popular and delicious social event.

Photo of attendees at the LANtern Lunar New Year luncheon.
The LANtern Lunar New Year Luncheon.


Living Life Healthy with Lupus (May) – Since 2008, this annual wellness event coincides with Lupus Awareness Month in May and highlights an educational presentation that is theme-focused. Offered in collaboration with LANtern’s sister programs, LupusLine®, Charla de Lupus (Lupus Chat)®, and SLE Workshop at Hospital for Special Surgery, and our co-sponsor, the Lupus Research Alliance.

LANtern’s Health & Wellness Day (June) – Since 2012, this annual wellness event is open to all community members to increase knowledge and public awareness of lupus. Past themes have included:

  • Master Sitan Chen’s Tai Chi demonstration at our annual Lupus Health & Wellness Day (in Chinese)
  • "Lupus and COVID-19: A Q&A Session"
  • "Coping with Uncertainty in Lupus: Physician and Patient Perspectives"
  • "Lupus Treatment through the Cultural Lens"
  • "Managing Joint Pain, Arthritis, and Lupus"
  • "Western Medications for Lupus: What Do I Need to Know?"
  • "Understanding Lupus and Your Treatment: From the Perspective of a Physician/Patient with Lupus

Lupus Research Alliance (LRA) Walk with Us (October) – Since 2004, LANtern has led a team every October to support the LRA’s Walk with Us to Cure Lupus event.

Members, friends and family at the Lupus Research Alliance walk.
The Lupus Research Alliance Walk.

For more information on our events or to RSVP, call us at 212.774.2508 or 866.505.2253 (toll-free) or email us at

Community Programs and Events

Workshops & Lectures – LANtern cultivates numerous community partnerships in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Flushing to promote the need for early identification, diagnosis, and treatment of lupus among Asian Americans. Programs are geared towards the audience and can be offered in English, Cantonese, or Mandarin. Besides introducing the basics about the disease, topics that are more specific have included:

Collaborating community partners and sponsors have included: Asian American/Asian Research Institute at CUNY, Asian Health & Social Services Council, Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, Chinese Community Partnership for Health, Maimonides Medical Center, Manning Confucius Pharmacy, Metropolitan Jewish Health System, New York Chinese American Association, University Settlement, Visiting Nurse Service of NY.

Community Events – LANtern strives to engage community members in learning more about lupus. These are a few that we are pleased to have participated in:

  • Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Festival
  • Charles B. Wang Community Health Center "Good Health Day"
  • Chinese American Planning Council’s Family Day Fair
  • CUNY Health and Wellness Fair at LaGuardia Community College in Queens
  • New York Presbyterian Lower Manhattan Hospital’s Chinese Community Partnership for Health’s "Downtown Wellness Day"

Photo of the panel at NYP/Lower Manhattan Wellness Day
NYP/Lower Manhattan Wellness Day panel.

Photo of Eliza Ngan
Eliza Ngan at a LaGuardia Community College event.


To schedule a workshop or lecture for your community, call us at 212.774.2508 or 866.505.2253 (toll-free) or email us at

For Professionals

Since its inception, LANtern welcomes opportunities to educate health professionals, both at the national and local level, about the prevalence and impact of lupus in the Asian American community.

Our faculty physicians, social workers, and LANtern team contribute their time and expertise to enhance the knowledge of lupus. Our community partners assist with planning and promotion of these events.

Professional education has included the following range of topics:

  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Primary Care Perspective
  • Lupus & Pregnancy
  • Lupus in the Age of COVID-19
  • Neuro-psychiatric Aspects of Lupus
  • Pregnancy Care of Lupus Patients
  • Lupus: Chronicity, Ethnicity and Psychiatry
  • Lupus from Cultural & Mental Health Perspectives
  • Lupus in Pediatrics/Adolescents
  • Grand Rounds at Charles B. Wang Community Health Center

Photo of Dr. Michael Lockshin presenting on SLE.
Dr. Michael Lockshin presenting on SLE.


Presentations at conferences & meetings have included:

  • Chinese American Medical Society (CAMS) Seminar
  • Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACAP) Convention
    “SLE: One Disease, Many Diseases”
  • Asian American Women’s Health Symposium
    "A Woman’s Health across a Lifespan"
  • American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals (ACR/ARHP) Annual Conference
    "Peer Counseling Interventions for Culturally Diverse Adults & Teens with Lupus – LANtern: A model for Serving Chinese-Americans and Their Families"
    "LANtern: Evaluation of an Innovative National Program" (PDF)
    "LANtern: Strategies for Achieving Cultural Relevance for Lupus Education and Support"
  • Asian Health & Social Service Council Meeting
    "Lupus and our Asian Community"
    "Emotional Health in Living with a Chronic Condition on Patients & Caregivers"
  • Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association Lupus Conference
    "An Interactive Panel Presentation for Enhanced Knowledge about Lupus in Adults and Children, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, and Cross-Cultural Practices in Healthcare"
    "First Day after Diagnosis: Establishing Relationships with Patients"
  • Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association NE Conference
    "The Missing Pieces in APIA (Asia Pacific Islander American) Healthcare"
  • American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Conference
    "LANtern: Bringing Lupus into the Asian American Limelight" (PDF)
    "LANtern: An Innovative Approach to Empower Women with Lupus & Their Families" (PDF)
  • Center for the Study of Asian American Health Conference
    "Empowering Community Members through Peer Advocate Models"
  • Chinese American Medical Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting/16th Federation of Chinese American and Chinese Canadian Medical Society’s Annual Conference
  • Chinese-American Planning Council Meeting
    "Lupus in the Chinese Community – Why Should We Care?"
  • Greater New York Health Association Community Affairs Meeting
    "HSS Models for Serving Culturally Diverse Lupus Patients & Families"
  • Health Care of the Chinese in North America Conference
    "LANtern: An Innovative Health Education, Empowerment and Outreach Initiative for Chinese-Americans with SLE"
  • Minority Access, Inc. National Role Models Conference
    "Enhancing Research and Treatment Gaps to Close the Health Disparities Gap"

To schedule an educational presentation at your agency, call us at 212.774.2508 or 866.505.2253 (toll-free) or email us at