Inflammatory Arthritis Center

World class, patient-centered medical care, research, support and education.

The HSS Inflammatory Arthritis Center (IAC) is home to clinical, educational, and research activities all with the end goal of improving personalized care of adults with inflammatory arthritis (IA). Inflammatory arthritis is a form of arthritis in which joint inflammation is caused by an overactive immune system. It usually affects many joints throughout the body at the same time but can involve just one joint, causing pain, swelling and stiffness. The importance of proper diagnosis, particularly in the early stages of the disease, may prevent serious, lifelong arthritic complications. When detected and treated in its early stages, the effects of inflammatory arthritis can be greatly diminished, or the condition may even disappear completely. Our team members strive to provide the highest level of care for each person, while also conducting research to discover better ways to treat and ultimately cure inflammatory arthritis. 

Is joint pain or swelling a new problem for you?

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Expertise in the most challenging areas

HSS has rheumatologists with specialized knowledge in each type of inflammatory arthritis:

HSS offers a number of programs and specialty care for those with IA. Read more below and sign up for our newsletter to learn more about our IA support groups and education:

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