Osric S. King, MD
Primary Sports Medicine

Dr. Osric S. King is an Attending Physician at HSS, and is board certified in Family Medicine. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, was educated at the Bronx High School of Science, and completed his undergraduate studies in Biomedical Engineering at Case Western Reserve University.
After spending 2 years as a biomedical engineer, actively involved in monitoring nerve conduction and developing new instrumentation, Dr. King attended Temple University School of Medicine. He did his residency in Family Medicine at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York. Afterward, he completed a fellowship in Primary Care Sports Medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center UMDNJ and Hospital for Special Surgery.
Sports team and event coverage
Athletic related medical conditions
Non-surgical orthopaedics (acute, chronic and overuse injuries)
Concussion evaluation and management, stress fractures, and acute lacerations
If your insurance is not listed, please call our office if you have questions regarding your insurance coverage. If you have out-of-network benefits, then your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of your office visit. We will work with you and your insurance to minimize your out-of-pocket costs. Financial assistance may be available for patients in need.
Attending Physician, Hospital for Special Surgery
Clinical Instructor, Weill Cornell Medical College
Family Medicine
Pediatric Research Fellowship Award, 1994
MD, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Beth Israel Medical Center, Family Medicine
Hospital for Special Surgery, Primary Care Sports Medicine
Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center University of Medicine and Dentistry
HSS has a long history of supporting appropriate relationships with industry because they advance HSS's mission to provide the highest quality patient care, improve patient mobility, and enhance the quality of life for all, and to advance the science of orthopedic surgery, rheumatology, and their related disciplines through research and education.
Below are the healthcare industry relationships reported by Dr. King as of March 01, 2023.
HSS and its physicians make this information available to patients and the public, thus creating a transparent environment for those who are interested in this information. Further, the HSS Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Policy prohibits physicians from collecting royalties on products they develop that are used on patients at HSS.
Patients should feel free to ask their HSS physicians questions about these relationships.
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