James N. Robinson, MD
Primary Sports Medicine

Dr. James Robinson is a fellowship-trained, board certified sports medicine physician. His primary focus is treating sports injuries in athletes of all abilities, from those at the high school, college, and professional level to recreational athletes and weekend warriors. He routinely uses the most advanced techniques for diagnosis and treatment including musculoskeletal ultrasound and performs ultrasound-guided and platelet-rich-plasma injections.
Dr. Robinson received his medical degree from The University of Alabama at Birmingham and proceeded to complete a Family Medicine Residency at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in South Bend, Indiana. He continued with a fellowship at ASMI/Andrews Sports Medicine in Birmingham, Alabama, where he trained in the care of the overhead athlete and collaborated with team physicians at the University of Alabama, minor league baseball, as well as numerous local teams.
Dr. Robinson is currently a team physician for the New York Liberty (WNBA) professional basketball team. In rural Alabama, he practiced both family medicine and sports medicine and served as the team physician for the University of West Alabama. Dr. Robinson also helped care for athletes at the University of Memphis and Christian Brothers University, as well as on the Memphis Grizzlies (NBA) and Hustle (NBA G League), Memphis 901 FC USL Soccer, and Memphis Redbirds AAA baseball.
Dr. Robinson is a lifelong athlete and runner and enjoys helping others be healthy and pain-free.
Performing Arts Medicine Collaborative
Running medicine
Overhead throwing injury
Nonsurgical sports injuries
Ultrasound-guided injections
Ultrasound-guided injections
Friendliness/courtesy of the care provider
4.8(1053)Your confidence in this care provider
4.7(1052)If your insurance is not listed, please call our office if you have questions regarding your insurance coverage. If you have out-of-network benefits, then your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of your office visit. We will work with you and your insurance to minimize your out-of-pocket costs. Financial assistance may be available for patients in need.
Attending Physician, Hospital for Special Surgery
American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM)
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM)
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
American Board of Family Practice with CAQ in Primary Care Sports Medicine
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, 2008
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, 2008
Family Medicine, St. Joseph Regional Medical Center South Bend, IN 2011
American Sports Medicine Institute/Andrews Sports Medicine, Birmingham, AL, 2012
Metzl JD, McElheny K, Robinson JN. et al. Considerations for Return to Exercise Following Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19 in the Recreational Athlete. HSS Jrnl 16, 102–107 (2020).
2009 Robinson, James, Gordon Givan, and Stephen Simons "Stress Fractures: Navicular, Metatarsal." The 5-Minute Sports Medicine Consult. Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins. 2010.
2019 AMSSM Annual Meeting Case Presentation Panelist
2012 Robinson, James and Tracy Ray. An Unusual Cause of Leg Pain in a Triathlete. Poster Presentation at AMSSM Annual Meeting 2012; Atlanta, GA
2011 Sports Medicine Update. Lecture at the Mid-Winter Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Family Physicians. December 3, 2011. Birmingham, AL
2011 Robinson, James and Stephen Simons. Medical Coverage of High School Athletics in Indiana. Presented at SJRMC Research Day
2010 Robinson, James and Stephen Simons. Football Player with Reactivation of Right Hip Pain. Poster Presentation at AMSSM Annual Meeting 2010; Cancun, Mexico.
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As of March 24, 2023, Dr. Robinson reported no relationships with the healthcare industry.
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