HSS Prosthetics & Orthotics

Since 1863, HSS has maintained its own hospital-based brace shop in order to provide our patients with the most up-to-date limb replacement and bracing devices available. Today, the Prosthetics and Orthotics Service at HSS includes a comprehensive, world-class facility capable of fitting, crafting, modifying, fabricating, and delivering prefabricated and custom prosthetic limbs, scoliosis braces, and orthotic appliances which are tailor-made for any orthopedic condition.

Experts in HSS P&O are certified by the American Board of Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics, Inc. (ABC), and the facility itself is an Accredited Facility. The products they provide are meant to correct, protect, assist, and support various appendages and other afflicted locations around the body.

HSS P&O maintains its own self-contained onsite fabrication laboratory to ensure the quality of each custom-made device is consistently excellent from start to finish. Additionally, HSS P&O performs consultations for HSS physicians and maintains a prosthetics and orthotics clinic at HSS every week.

HSS employs its own Director of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Chrysta Irolla, who can be contacted at 212.606.1022 or irollac@hss.edu.

See a list of HSS Contracted P&O Providers

The Wright Fund

The Ellen and Joe Wright Prosthetic and Orthotic Fund makes it possible for pediatric patients to receive the custom and non-custom devices they need.


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