LANtern® (Lupus Asian Network)

LANtern Collaborations

LANtern participates in capacity building with a variety of community-based, professional, advocacy, and multi-service organizations at the local, regional, and national levels to achieve its goal of increasing awareness of lupus as an important Asian American health concern. In support of Hospital for Special Surgery’s Community Service Plan (CSP) for the New York State Department of Health’s Prevention Agenda Toward the Healthiest State, LANtern has formed numerous community partnerships to promote the need for early identification, diagnosis, and treatment of lupus among Asian Americans.

In addition to our CSP partners, LANtern reaches Asian American communities through our collaborative relationships with members of our Advisory Board and their associated organizations.

LANtern Community Service Plan Partners include but is not limited to the following:

Additional Collaborations

LANtern always welcomes opportunities to collaborate with other organizations. Since 2003, LANtern has participated in many collaborative presentations, events, and programs.

LANtern is made possible through funding by Rheuminations, Inc.


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