LANtern offers peer health education and social work support through our toll-free telephone SupportLine. We understand how hard it can be to comprehend a medical diagnosis. We understand how language obstacles may prevent you from finding the proper support. We understand that there may be certain issues that are important to you.
We have trained volunteers – people who have lupus or have family members with lupus – who can speak to you over the phone and help you clarify concerns and work effectively with your health care team. You can call our SupportLine from your home or office. LANtern’s SupportLine is also available in Cantonese, Mandarin and a few other Asian languages/dialects. We can provide support and education by phone appointment at times that are best for both of you - daytime, evenings, or weekends.
Start by calling LANtern’s Senior Manager between 9:30am - 5:00pm ET on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. You can also leave a voice mail message at any other time. Tell us the best times to reach you. Your call will be returned by our program as soon as possible. After a screening phone call to assess your personal needs, you may be matched with a trained peer health educator.
Telephone: 212.774.2508 or 866.505.2253 outside NYC (toll-free)