Daphne A. Scott, MD
Primary Sports Medicine
New York, NY 10021
Tel: 212.774.7070
Fax: 212.774.2009
Dr. Daphne Scott is Chief of the Primary Sports Medicine Service, Associate Chief Medical Diversity Officer and an Attending Physician at HSS. She is board certified in family medicine with a certificate of added qualification in sports medicine. She specializes in the nonsurgical treatment of acute, overuse, and chronic injuries with a focus on the shoulder, hip and knee.
As a child, Dr. Scott always knew that she wanted to be a doctor, inspired by her pediatrician. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Southern California and then went on to earn a Master’s Degree from SUNY Buffalo while completing cancer research at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
Dr. Scott completed her residency in family medicine at the University of Washington and then moved to Tucson for her fellowship at the University of Arizona. There she served as a team physician, covering all university sports and other visiting sporting events including the Tucson Rodeo.
Dr. Scott currently serves as the Lead Team Physician for the New York Knicks and the Head Consulting Orthopedic Physician for UFC. She served as a Team Physician for USA Track and Field at the 2017 World Championships in London.
Patellofemoral Center
Women's Sports Medicine Center
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5.0(501)If your insurance is not listed, please call our office if you have questions regarding your insurance coverage. If you have out-of-network benefits, then your insurance may reimburse you for a portion of your office visit. We will work with you and your insurance to minimize your out-of-pocket costs. Financial assistance may be available for patients in need.
Chief, Primary Sports Medicine, Hospital for Special Surgery
Associate Chief Medical Diversity Officer, Hospital for Special Surgery
Attending Physician, Hospital for Special Surgery
Member, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine
American Board of Family Medicine, Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine
University of Arizona Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Leadership Award, 2014
Lisa Yao Memorial Scholarship in Family Medicine, 2010
Leonard Tow Humanism Award, 2010
MD, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Reno/Las Vegas, NV/USA, 2006-2010
Internship: University of Washington, Family Medicine, Seattle, WA/USA, 2010-2011
Residency: University of Washington, Family Medicine, Seattle, WA/USA, 2011-2013
Fellowship: CAQ, University of Arizona, Primary Care Sports Medicine, Tucson, AZ/USA, 2013-2014
HSS has a long history of supporting appropriate relationships with industry because they advance HSS's mission to provide the highest quality patient care, improve patient mobility, and enhance the quality of life for all, and to advance the science of orthopedic surgery, rheumatology, and their related disciplines through research and education.
Below are the healthcare industry relationships reported by Dr. Scott as of September 24, 2024.
Mediflix- Orthopedic Expert
HSS and its physicians make this information available to patients and the public, thus creating a transparent environment for those who are interested in this information. Further, the HSS Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Policy prohibits physicians from collecting royalties on products they develop that are used on patients at HSS.
Patients should feel free to ask their HSS physicians questions about these relationships.
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