Rheumatology Division for Professionals

Rheumatology Elective

Medical residents and medical students (medical student elective course catalog is currently unavailable) can apply to take part in an elective, month-long rotation in rheumatology.

The purpose of this rotation is to gain basic understanding of rheumatologic diagnosis and treatment. The key components of the rotation include 1) one-on-one mentorship and shadowing of various attending physicians, 2) supervision by teaching attendings of outpatient and inpatient care of rheumatologic patients, and 3) care of patients on the rheumatology consultative service. Additionally there are ongoing didactic lectures meant to provide a basic understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment of rheumatic disease.

Outpatient exposure is through three morning sessions per week in the 1) general arthritis, 2) inflammatory arthritis, and 3) lupus clinics. Visitors shadow the fellows during the initial evaluation of outpatients and follow-up care of established patients. Following each clinic there is a conference where patients are presented for discussion of appropriate medical management.

Didactic experiences include participation in various lectures and conferences:

  • Chief’s Rounds: Presentation of an inpatient by a fellow or medical resident for discussion of diagnosis and management.
  • Journal Club: Review of pertinent recent rheumatology literature by rotating members of the department
  • Rheumatology Grand Rounds: Weekly lecture by a distinguished guest speaker on a topic related to immunity, inflammation, etc.
  • Daily lectures on rheumatic disease topics: One or two lectures are given daily by HSS attending faculty specifically developed to provide an introductory understanding of rheumatic diseases.

Supervising Physician
Jessica R. Berman, MD

Contact Person
Yeidy Rodriguez
212.774.7056 or 212.774.7501