Running Injuries and Conditions

HSS is the #1 orthopedic hospital in the world and a national leader in rheumatology. This content was created by our physicians and experts.
Helping runners maintain their stride

A runner holding her knee in pain.

HSS is the Official Hospital of TCS New York City Marathon and also the Official Hospital of New York Road Runners. Our sports medicine specialists and physical therapists help elite runners, amateur athletes and recreational joggers come back from injury and improve their performance every day.

HSS Marathon Race Events Calendar

Javits Center Events – October 31-November 2

Javits Convention Center
429 11th Ave, New York, NY 10001

Thursday, October 31

HSS Move Better Lab @ Marathon Expo

HSS Expert @ Marathon Expo Speaker Series
HSS Expert: Kate Baird

Friday, November 1

10am-8pm | HSS Move Better Lab @ Marathon Expo

3-4pm | HSS Expert @ Marathon Expo Speaker Series
HSS Expert: Cathy Wysin

Saturday, November 2

9am-5pm | HSS Move Better Lab @ Marathon Expo

3-4pm | HSS Expert @ Marathon Expo Speaker Series
HSS Expert: Mohammad Saad

Marathon Day – TCS NYC Marathon

Sunday, November 3

Post-Marathon Events (various locations)

Monday, November 4

8am-4:10pm | Marathon Monday Runner Recovery Zone
HSS will have staff on site providing foam rollers, mats, theraguns, and normatec boots by reservation.
Location: West 67th Street & Central Park West
W 67th Street & Central Park West New York, NY 10023
Register here!

9am-3pm | Recovery Hub
Stop by Peloton Studios New York on the Monday following the TCS New York City Marathon for a Recovery Hub powered by HSS.
Location: Peloton Studios New York
370 10th Ave, New York, NY, 10001
 Register here!

Wednesday, November 13

6-7pm | RUN HSS: You Ran 26.2, Now What?
Location: NYRR RUNCENTER featuring the New Balance Run Hub
320 W 57th St Ground Floor, New York, NY 10019

Common running injuries

There are many factors that can contribute to a running injury, including errors in training, improper running shoes, anatomic irregularities or even extreme running surfaces. Additionally, those who are new to running, have recently resumed training after an injury, or have increased running speed or distance are also more susceptible to getting hurt.

Injuries of the knee are especially prevalent among runners. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), also known as “runner’s knee,” is one example of a common injury often brought on by overuse. Stress fractures and other conditions of the shin, feet and heels can also develop and amplify if training modifications, proper rest and/or rehabilitation are not carried out.


Learn about various conditions that commonly affect runners.

Articles related to running

Read about injury prevention and wellness for the casual jogger to the marathon runner, as well as about running-related conditions and treatment options.

In-person and virtual appointments