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Performance and Wellness

Performance and Wellness services from the #1 hospital in orthopedics

HSS Performance and Wellness incorporates specialists to discuss your goals, provide targeted assessments and develop personalized solutions – no matter your orthopedic condition, sport, exercise, or wellness goal. We are here for you!

Our unrivaled program blends science and experience to identify the best and safest path to success. Both virtual and in-person services are available.

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Performance Questions

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What is an Exercise Physiologist?

An exercise physiologist is a healthcare professional who has an academic degree in exercise physiology from an accredited college or university and is certified by an accredited organization. The exercise physiology practice involves four areas: promoting health and wellness, preventing illness and disability, restoring health, helping athletes reach their potential in sports training and performance.

What is a Board Certified Sports Registered Dietitian?

Sports Dietitians are experienced registered dietitians who apply evidence based nutrition knowledge in exercise and sport. They assess, educate, and counsel athletes and active individuals. They design, implement, and manage safe and effective nutrition strategies that enhance lifelong health, fitness, and optimal performance.

How do Exercise Physiologists and Physical Therapists work together at HSS?

Our exercise physiologists and physical therapists work closely together to provide a bridge between rehabilitative care and getting back to what you love to do.

What is a Massage Therapist?

Our massage therapists use manual manipulation of muscle and soft tissue for clinical and therapeutic application.

What is a Pilates Instructor?

Our Certified Pilates instructor works specifically with the rehabilitation population to increase core strength, increase flexibility, and improve posture.

Why Choose HSS Performance and Wellness? Our patients and clients say it best.

Performance and Wellness Services in the News